Psychology of Women Quarterly, Ahead of Print.
In this study, we aimed to develop and validate the Identity Shifting for Black Women Scale (ISBWS), which assesses the process of altering one’s speech, perceptions, behaviors, and appearance to navigate experiences of discrimination and to enhance intraracial relationships. In Study 1, data from 356 Black women in the United States were used for exploratory factor analysis. Exploratory factor analysis results supported a 15-item, two-factor solution that captured the following domains: (a) Navigating Gendered Racial Oppressive Contexts and (b) Enhancing Intraracial Relationships. In Study 2, confirmatory factor analyses were performed with data from 289 United States Black women. Confirmatory factor analyses tested a unidimensional correlated traits model, a two-factor correlated traits model, and a bifactor model. The bifactor model provided optimal fit, and internal consistency estimates for scores on the ISBWS subscales were good. The ISBWS’ construct validity was supported given its association with related measures of shifting and gendered racial microaggressions. The ISBWS also accounted for additional variance in Black women’s anxiety symptoms over and above an existing shifting measure. Our findings support the added value of the ISBWS in understanding Black women’s multifaceted experiences and can be used to inform interventions aimed to maximize the benefits and reduce the costs of shifting among Black women.