Quality improvement (QI) can be a critical means by which to achieve equity in health and health care. QI efforts, however, often fail to be designed and implemented through the lens of health equity. In this article, we will discuss the current state of the intersection between QI and health equity, then lay out specific steps researchers and practitioners can take to ensure that their QI work reduces, rather than increases or maintains, existing disparities. These steps include first, understanding existing disparities and, second, utilizing community engagement to ensure that QI enhances health equity. Before embarking on QI work, QI practitioners should first examine their metric of interest by patient characteristics, starting with race and ethnicity, language, and markers of access to care and socioeconomic status. Developing an understanding of existing disparities relevant to the QI project will ensure that the QI interventions can be designed to be most effective in the disadvantaged populations, thus increasing the likelihood that the intervention reduces existing disparities. In designing QI interventions, practitioners must also plan engagement with stakeholder populations ahead of time, to carefully understand their needs and priorities and how best to address them through QI efforts.