Mixed-status families—whose members have multiple immigration statuses—are common in US immigrant communities. Large-scale worksite raids, an immigration enforcement tactic used throughout US history, returned during the Trump administration. Yet, little research characterizes the impacts of these raids, especially as related to mixed-status families. The current study (1) describes a working definition of a large-scale worksite raid and (2) considers impacts of these raids on mixed-status families. We conducted semistructured interviews in Spanish and English at 6 communities that experienced the largest worksite raids in 2018. Participants were 77 adults who provided material, emotional, or professional support following raids. Qualitative analysis methods were used to develop a codebook and code all interviews. The unpredictability of worksite raids resulted in chaos and confusion, often stemming from potential family separation. Financial crises followed because of the removal of primary financial providers. In response, families rearranged roles to generate income. Large-scale worksite raids result in similar harms to mixed-status families as other enforcement tactics but on a much larger scale. They also uniquely drain community resources, with long-term impacts. Advocacy and policy efforts are needed to mitigate damage and end this practice.