Ordinary use of empty names encompasses a variety of different phenomena, including issues in semantics, mental content, fiction,
pretense, and linguistic practice. In this paper I offer a novel account of empty names, the cognitive theory, and show how
it offers a satisfactory account of the phenomena. The virtues of this theory are based on its strength and parsimony. It
allows for a fully homogeneous semantic treatment of names coped with ontological frugality and empirical and psychological
pretense, and linguistic practice. In this paper I offer a novel account of empty names, the cognitive theory, and show how
it offers a satisfactory account of the phenomena. The virtues of this theory are based on its strength and parsimony. It
allows for a fully homogeneous semantic treatment of names coped with ontological frugality and empirical and psychological
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-23
- DOI 10.1007/s13164-011-0078-8
- Authors
- Eduardo García-Ramírez, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Cto. Mario de la Cueva S/N, Cd. Inv. en Humanidades, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510 México, DF, México
- Journal Review of Philosophy and Psychology
- Online ISSN 1878-5166
- Print ISSN 1878-5158