The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the essence of an intergenerational choir experience for older adults and student music therapists. Data were gathered through a series of open-ended individual interviews with older adult participants (n = 10) and student participants (n = 5). Analysis of data revealed four emerging themes common to both older adults and students: mutual learning, social bonding and support, feelings of accomplishment, and appreciation and enjoyment. Emerging themes unique to the older adult community members were that (a) participation challenges came from differences in musical culture; (b) intergenerational choir promoted experience of emotional health and helped maintain an active lifestyle; and (c) community members were passionate about recruiting new members to expand the choir. Emerging themes unique to the student music therapists were that (a) intergenerational choir provided unique ensemble experiences and (b) students reported positive changes in perception of older adults. Implications of intergenerational music engagement for music therapy clinical practice, research, and education are discussed.