Improving school attendance is a major concern for many schools nationwide. School social workers, along with other pupil personnel service (PPS) staff such as school psychologists and school counselors, play an integral role in supporting students who demonstrate chronic absenteeism. To effectively assist these students in improving school attendance, the school social worker at an urban middle school in Connecticut collaboratively developed the Perfect Attendance Wins Stuff (PAWS) program. The multilevel approach of the PAWS program included students, parents and guardians, school staff, and community providers to ensure that students achieve consistent daily school attendance, thus enhancing their ability to benefit from their education. The program began with a careful examination of attendance data, identifying students who were not meeting the state attendance benchmark. The PPS team used the data to identify not just the attendance rate, but patterns of absences, which helped to identify students with chronic attendance problems. Chang, Russell-Tucker, and Sullivan (2016) warned that a seemingly high attendance rate can mask a chronic absence problem that exists in a small percentage of the school population.