Giménez-Esparza C, Portillo-Requena C, Colomina-Climent F, et al. The premature closure of ROMPA clinical trial: mortality reduction in septic shock by plasma adsorption. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030139. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030139.
This article was previously published with an error.
The following statement in the discussion section is incorrect: ‘In addition, as in our study, the COMPACT 2 group used a randomisation system based on prognostic scores,6 which means that the groups will not be similar until the end of recruitment (which is reason to introduce the propensity score in our results).’ The COMPACT 2 group used a blocked randomization schedule (randomly permuting blocks of four and six), with stratification according to site and the presence of septic shock at admission.