The study sought to replicate, with a community sample and different measures of the critical variables, the finding of Chu et al. (Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2016, 40, 22) in a military sample that suicide attempts were more frequent for those reporting higher numbers of depressive episodes if acquired capability for suicide (ACS) was also high.
An online survey (N = 251) collected data on episodes and severity of depression, number of suicide attempts, and a questionnaire measure of ACS.
The interaction effect reported by Chu et al. (Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2016, 40, 22) was replicated, but depended on using the Fearlessness of Death component of ACS and the number and not the severity of depressive episodes.
The moderating effect of ACS on the relation between depression and suicide attempts can be demonstrated beyond a military and predominately male sample. Limitations of the study are noted.