Publication year: 2011
Source: Addictive Behaviors, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 24 August 2011
Danielle E., Ramo , Christian, Grov , Kevin, Delucchi , Brian C., Kelly , Jeffrey T., Parsons
Cocaine is the most widely used club drug. Yet, little is known about how patterns of cocaine use vary over time among young adults of diverse gender and sexual identities. This study used latent class growth analysis to identify trajectories of cocaine use over a year and explored individual and substance use factors associated with these trajectories. A sample of 400 young adults (mean age=23.9years) with recent club drug use were recruited from New York City bars and nightclubs using time-space sampling. Participants completed quantitative measures at baseline, 4-, 8- and 12-months follow-up. A 4-class model fit the data best….
Highlights: ► We used latent class growth analysis to identify trajectories of cocaine use over a year ► A 4-class model fit the data best ► Those in the “Consistent Use” class had the highest baseline club drug dependence ► Those in the “Consistent Non-use” class had the highest frequency of baseline marijuana use ► Findings highlight the diversity of cocaine use patterns over time among young adults