While there is considerable theoretical and empirical evidence on howjob stress affects physical and mental health, few studies have examined theassociation between job related stress and health care utilization. Using data from theCanadian National Population Health Survey from 2000 to 2008, this paper examinesthe association between stressful working conditions, as measured by the job strainmodel, and the utilization of health care services.
A zero inflated negative binomial regression is used to examine the excesshealth care utilization due to job strain. Separate regressions are estimated for bothmales and females since studies have shown gender differences in health careutilization.
Estimates for the whole population show that high or medium job strain hasa positive and statistically significant association with the number of visits to both ageneral practitioner (GP) and a specialist (SP). On average, the number of GP visits isup to 26% more (IRR = 1.26, 95% CI =1.19-1.31) for individuals with high strain jobscompared to those in the low job strain category. Similarly, SP visits are up to 27%more (IRR = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.14-142) for the high strain category. Results arequantitatively similar for males and females, save for medium strain. In general,findings are robust to the inclusion of workplace social support, health status,provincial and occupational-fixed effects.
Job strain may be positively associated with the utilization of health careservices. This suggests that improving psychosocial working conditions and educatingworkers on stress-coping mechanisms could be beneficial for the physical and mentalhealth of workers.