Question: Does a cognitive-behavioural based group parenting intervention relieve anxiety in children with anxiety disorders?
Patients: Families of 74 children below 9 years of age (range 2.7–9 years, average 6.6 years) who had levels of anxiety at or above clinical cut-off of Parent Reported Child Behavior Checklist and appeared likely to have an anxiety disorder on preliminary interview with a clinical psychologist. Parents or children with moderate to severe learning difficulties were excluded, as were children with moderate to severe autistic spectrum disorder (assessed by clinical psychologist).
Setting: The Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility, Manchester, UK; recruitment 2006–2008.
Intervention: ‘Timid to Tiger’ parenting intervention or waiting list control for 10 weeks. The parenting intervention was a manualised, group, 10-session course for parents. It was delivered by two clinical psychologists and attended by three to seven families per course. The course targeted providing children with a warm, calm…