Recovery centers are physical entities offering various services and resources for people living with severe mental illness.
In this study we identified and surveyed 24 recovery centers recruited through snowball sampling. The goal was to understand
the range, common features and nature of current incarnations of recovery centers, assessing commonalities and differences
with regards to: (1) overarching philosophies; (2) organizational and operational factors; (3) clientele; (4) service offerings;
(5) staffing and financing; and (6) governance and oversight. We discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of recovery
centers, especially important given wider policy commitment to recovery, detailing the importance of future research and evaluation.
In this study we identified and surveyed 24 recovery centers recruited through snowball sampling. The goal was to understand
the range, common features and nature of current incarnations of recovery centers, assessing commonalities and differences
with regards to: (1) overarching philosophies; (2) organizational and operational factors; (3) clientele; (4) service offerings;
(5) staffing and financing; and (6) governance and oversight. We discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of recovery
centers, especially important given wider policy commitment to recovery, detailing the importance of future research and evaluation.
- Content Type Journal Article
- Pages 1-10
- DOI 10.1007/s10597-011-9427-4
- Authors
- Rob Whitley, Douglas Mental Health University Institute, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, McGill University, 6875 LaSalle Blvd, Montreal, QC H4H 1R3, Canada
- David Strickler, Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Rivermill Commercial Center, 85 Mechanic Street, Suite B4-1, Lebanon, NH 03766, USA
- Robert E. Drake, Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center, Rivermill Commercial Center, 85 Mechanic Street, Suite B4-1, Lebanon, NH 03766, USA
- Journal Community Mental Health Journal
- Online ISSN 1573-2789
- Print ISSN 0010-3853