The role of mutually responsive orientation in promoting relationship satisfaction for first-time and experienced parents: An investigation from pregnancy to toddlerhood
“To be faithful to ourselves, we pay a price”: Jane F. Gilgun’s journey as a feminist qualitative social work practice researcher
Unpacking the ‘black box’ of suicide: A latent class analysis predicting profiles of suicidal ideation in a longitudinal cohort of adolescent girls from India
Redefining the approach to alcohol use disorder in India: A call for conventional to multidisciplinary and technologically innovative treatment strategies
Commentary on ‘Outcomes of psychosocial interventions for homeless individuals with mental illness: A systematic review’ by Roniyamol Roy et al.
Toward Ending Violence Against Women: The Association of Intimate Partner Violence With Food Security Status Among Ever-Married Women in Cameroon
Examining the Risks of Multiple Types of Interpersonal Victimization for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming College Students
Less frequent face looking in infancy is related to autism likelihood status but not diagnosis: A study of parent-infant interaction
Latent Profiles of Co-occurring Sexual Problems and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Young Women Exposed to Sexual Violence
Self-compassion, difficulties in emotion regulation and eating psychopathology: findings from an eating disorders clinical sample and a college sample.
“I had no idea there were psychiatric clinics for children”: A qualitative study of how migrant parents reach Swedish mental health services for their children
The Experiences of Family Caregiver and Clinician Facilitators Implementing a Co-Delivered Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) Intervention
PTSD, depression, and migration-related experiences among Syrian refugees living in camp vs urban settings
Exploring the impact of the first rule of Functional Analytic Psychotherapy on fear of intimacy, vulnerability, and responsiveness: An analog process analysis
Corrigendum to “Attachment, emotion, and change: Emotionally focused individual therapy (EFIT) within a process-based therapy (PBT) framework” [Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 32]
The association of comorbid dementia with length of stay, cost and mortality among older adults in US acute hospitals: An observational study
“It’s a Valuable Service but a Hard Place to Be:” Women’s Views About Violence Against Women Shelters
The lifestyle for brain health index, the cluster of differentiation 33 (CD33) gene, and cognitive function among rural Chinese older adults: A population-based study
Microaggression Detection in Psychotherapy: Expanding Affirming Care for Transgender and Nonbinary Clients
Exploring the differential impacts of social isolation, loneliness, and their combination on the memory of an aging population: A 6-year longitudinal study of the CLSA
Incompleteness as a clinical characteristic and predictor of treatment outcome in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Correlation Between Lifestyle Patterns and Cognitive Function Among Community-Dwelling Older Chinese Adults in the Pre-Dementia Stages: A Latent Class Analysis
Using moderated nonlinear factor models to adjust for differential item functioning in the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale from kindergarten to Grade 6
Social Statuses, Quality of Social Relationships, and Self-Esteem Among Older Adults in Canada: Resource Multiplication or Substitution?
Patient and Care Partner Perspective on Potential Undertreatment of Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment for Cardiovascular Disease
Fostering excellence: Nurturing motivation and performance among high- and average-ability students through need-supportive teaching
The effects of a tier 2 reading comprehension intervention aligned to tier 1 instruction for fourth graders with inattention and reading difficulties
Integrating Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills and Parent Training for Dually Dysregulated Parents and Children: An Idiographic Case Study