Maternal Reminiscing and Children’s Socioemotional Development: Evidence from a Large Pre-Birth Longitudinal Cohort Study, Growing Up in New Zealand
The Cognitive Underpinnings of Early Arithmetic Depend on Arithmetic Problem Format: A Study with Five-Year-Old Children
Do You See What I See? Emotion Recognition Competencies in Sexually Abused School-Aged Children and Non-Abused Children
Symptoms of anxiety and depression and quality of life in parents of children with autism during the second wave of the pandemic
Meta-analyses of the predictors and outcomes of cyberbullying perpetration and victimization while controlling for traditional bullying perpetration and victimization
The experience of youth-participatory action research in a social innovation lab: A methodological and organizational approach
Pathways of Individuals Experiencing Serious Illness While Homeless: An Exploratory 4-Point Typology from the RASCAL-UP Study
The impact of cultural identity, parental communication, and peer influence on substance use among Indigenous youth in Canada
The interrupted journey: factors and processes related to withdrawal, re-enrolment and dropout from doctoral education
Antenatal and early childhood exposures associated with non-fatal infant injury: evidence from a longitudinal birth cohort in New Zealand
The “Pains of Employment”? Connecting Air and Sound Quality to Correctional Officer Experiences of Health and Wellness in Prison Space
Stretching a Penny: Completing a Rapid Needs Assessment for a Nonprofit Community-Based Hospice Wellness Center in Ontario, Canada
The Experience of Living with a Chronic Illness: A Qualitative Study among End-Stage Renal Disease Patients
How and why to use ‘vulnerability: an interdisciplinary analysis of disease risk, indeterminacy and normality
Deep phenotyping of socio-emotional skills in children with typical development, neurodevelopmental disorders, and mental health conditions: Evidence from the PEERS
Happy thus survivor? A systematic review and meta‐analysis on the association between cancer survival and positive states, emotions, and traits
Sexual peril and dangerous others: The moral economies of the trans prisoner policy debates in England and Wales
Blowing the whistle on mixed gender hospital rooms in Australia and New Zealand: a human rights issue
Trends and patterns of violence-related mortality in Nigeria: evidence from a 16-year analysis of secondary data
Contention and collaboration: the tenuous encounter of modern Ayurveda and Western medicine in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries