Archive for February 2023
Do executive functions explain older adults’ health-related quality of life beyond event-based prospective memory?
Formative evaluation of a STEAM and nutrition education summer program for low-income youth
Gender differences in the association between perceived income sufficiency and self-rated health among older adults: A population-based study in India
The revised JBI critical appraisal tool for the assessment of risk of bias for randomized controlled trials
Intersectionality and the role of the lifecourse in older women’s lives
Prepulse inhibition and attentional modulation in individuals with attenuated psychotic syndrome and at genetically high risk of schizophrenia
Desire to Avoid Pregnancy scale: clinical considerations and comparison with other questions about pregnancy preferences
Current Family Functioning and Youth Cardiometabolic Health in the SOL Youth Study
Single Case Research Methodology Applications in Special Education and Behavioral Sciences, 3rd Ed

The Potential Barriers and Benefits of an Online Physical Activity Program during the COVID-19 Restrictions: Latrobe Virtual Streetgames. A Qualitative Study
Therapeutic Influences on Father Engagement in Family Therapy
Barriers and enablers to influenza vaccination uptake in adults with chronic respiratory conditions: applying the behaviour change wheel to specify multi-levelled tailored intervention content
Reducing Gun Violence: Using an Upstream/Downstream Incremental and Public Opinion Approach
Associations between prenatal exposure to power plants and birth outcomes across the United States
The Healthcare Professional’s Core Resource on Alcohol
Racial, Ethnic, and Regional Disparities in Cocaine-Involved Overdose Deaths in the US, 1999–2020
Exploring the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention in university students: MindKinder adult version program (MK-A)
Transparency and Inclusion in Psychological Inquiry: Reflecting on the Past, Embracing the Present, and Building an Inclusive Future
The Sports Stadium Scam | Robert Reich
The Nonprofit Role in Building Community Social Capital: A Moderated Mediation Model of Organizational Learning, Innovation, and Shared Mission for Social Capital Creation
A global meta-analysis of depression, anxiety, and stress before and during COVID-19
Unemployment Insurance: DOL Needs to Address Substantial Pandemic UI Fraud and Reduce Persistent Risks
Parental Narcissism Leads to Anxiety and Depression in Children via Scapegoating
The Deliberative Referendum: An Idea Whose Time has Come?
Challenges Faced by LGBTIQ+ Migrants and Asylum Seekers

Equitable and sustainable funding for community-based organisations in global mental health
“Any Reason is Valid:” How an Unexpected Abortion Disclosure is Received by an Online Community
Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model to explore the psychological impact of COVID-19 on anxiety in dyads of patients with cancer and caregivers
Mind matters: A narrative review on affective state-dependency in non-invasive brain stimulation
A Census Tract-Level Examination of Diagnosed HIV Infection and Social Vulnerability Themes Among Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, and White Adults, 2019—USA
Racial Disparities in Opioid Administration Practices Among Undifferentiated Abdominal Pain Patients in the Emergency Department
I’m Afraid of That Water: A Collaborative Ethnography of a West Virginia Water Crisis