Digitalizing social work education: preparing students to engage with twenty-first century practice need
Patient perceptions of facilitators and barriers to reducing hazardous alcohol use among people living with HIV in East Africa
A Three-level Meta-analysis on the Alliance-Outcome Association in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Employment status, material hardship, and mental health among low‐income working‐age adults in South Korea
Teaching disability using problem-based learning in the international context: utility for social work
Decreased hemodynamic response to fearful faces relative to neutral faces in the medial frontal cortex of first-episode drug-naïve major depressive disorder
Online Learning Stress and Chinese College Students’ Academic Coping during COVID-19: The Role of Academic Hope and Academic Self-Efficacy
Challenging the ‘Youth Gaze’: Building Diversity into Refugee and Asylum Reception and Integration Programmes
It Matters to Whom You Compare Yourself: The Case of Unrealistic Optimism and Gender-Specific Comparisons
Does revenue‐motivated policing alter who receives traffic citations? Evidence from driver race and income in Indiana
Causes of Parole Revocation Through the Lens of the Youth: A Qualitative Analysis of Potential Factors
The Effect of Maternal–Foetal Attachment–Based Training Programme on Maternal Mental Health Following an Unintended Pregnancy
Local Agency Staff in North Carolina’s Child Care Subsidy Program Offer Perspectives on Engaging Hispanic Families During COVID-19
“Another tool in our toolbox”: a scoping review of the use of eHealth technologies in health social work practice
“Unprecedented Times:” Experiences of Social Work and Public Health Professionals during Times of Public Crises
Effectiveness of psychosomatic therapy for patients with persistent somatic symptoms: Results from the CORPUS randomised controlled trial in primary care
‘THIS UNPAID PLACEMENT MAKES YOU POOR’: Australian social work students’ experiences of the financial burden of field education
“It’s like an elephant in the room with my family”: LGBTQ+ College Students’ Identity Expression During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Associations between maternal depressive symptoms and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant treatment on internalising and anxiety behaviours in children: 12-year longitudinal study
The influence of being pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic on birth expectations and antenatal bonding
Nature connectedness in the climate change context: Implications for climate action and mental health.