What do young women want? Using a qualitative survey to explore the potential for feminist-informed mental health peer support
The Effect of Positive Psychotherapy-Based Training on Stigma and Self-Efficacy in Women Receiving Infertility Treatment
Entering the world of lock and key: the impact of an educational visit to a high secure forensic hospital on psychology students’ attitudes towards the patients within
“From the ground up”: Psychoanalytic perspectives on a new system for structuring hospital and clinic care
Developmental trajectories of children’s sibling jealousy after the birth of a sibling: Strict parental control, parenting stress and parental depression as pre-birth predictors
Childhood executive functions and ADHD symptoms predict psychopathology symptoms in emerging adults with and without ADHD: a 10-year longitudinal study
How acceptable do parents experiencing mental health challenges find e-Health interventions for mental health in the postnatal period: a systematic review
What influences demand for cigars among African American adult cigar smokers? Results from a hypothetical purchase task.
Saving millions of lives but some resources squandered: emerging lessons from health research system pandemic achievements and challenges
Balancing out bonding and bridging capital: Social network correlates of multicultural identity configurations among Russian migrants to Canada
Evaluating the association between urine drug screening frequency and retention in opioid agonist treatment in Ontario, Canada: a retrospective cohort study
Majority acceptance vs. rejection of ‘being both’ facilitates immigrants’ bicultural identity blendedness and positive affect
Sex workers’ peer support during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from a study of a Portuguese community-led response
The role of the past: Policy feedback and citizens’ acceptance of information communication technologies during the COVID‐19 pandemic in China
Contextual effects on students’ achievement and academic self-concept in the Nordic and Chinese educational systems
‘Disability is not a word we use’: Social workers’ professional judgements about support for disabled young people leaving care
Factors associated with smoking behaviour changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a 6-month follow-up study
Emotional, cognitive, and social functioning in children and early adolescents living in post‐armed conflict: Testing mediating mechanisms
Utility of Brexanolone to Target Stress-induced Alcohol Use Among Men and Women with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
The use of technology for arts-based activities in older adults living with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: A scoping review
Are Older Adults’ Leisure Patterns Consistent with the Active Ageing Model? The Influence of the Ageist Stereotypes
Exploring the impact on primary care mental health practitioners of the death of a patient by suicide: An IPA study
Feasibility and acceptability of incorporating social network visualizations into a culturally centered motivational network intervention to prevent substance use among urban Native American emerging adults: a qualitative study
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Unwinding Frequently Asked Questions for State Medicaid and CHIP Agencies
Integrative community therapy for the promotion of mental health in adolescents: A quasi‐experimental study