Adapting “Color Blindness” to South Korean Attitudes Toward Multicultural Minorities: Scale Development
Meta-analysis of the effects of two interviewing practices on children’s disclosures of sensitive information: Rapport practices and question type
Immigrant–Native Disparities in Happiness among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Western European Countries: The Moderating Role of Social Capital
A mixed methods exploration of community providers’ perceived barriers and facilitators to the use of parent training with Medicaid-enrolled clients with autism
Safely Increasing Connection to Community-Based Services: A Study of Multidisciplinary Team Decision Making for Child Welfare Referrals
Influence of Early Adolescents’ Mastery Goals on Inter- and Intra-Individual Relationships Between Metacognitive Monitoring and Academic Outcomes
Notes From the Field: Applying the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research in a Qualitative Evaluation of Implementation of the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Brief Intervention Training Program
Cultural adaptation and validation of the Attribution Questionnaire for stigma towards disability pension applicants for use among psychiatrists and general practitioners in Sweden
“It’s all about delivery”: researchers and health professionals’ views on the moral challenges of accessing neurobiological information in the context of psychosis
The impact of public performance reporting on cancer elective surgery waiting times: a data linkage study
Age of walking and intellectual ability in autism spectrum disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders: a population‐based study
Assessment of Differential Statement Functioning in Ipsative Tests With Multidimensional Forced-Choice Items
An Update on the Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science and Kicking Off the Columns as a Meeting Place for Discussion Among Colleagues
The Efficacy of Cash Supports for Children by Race and Family Size: Understanding Disparities and Opportunities for Equity
An Evaluation of “Balance”: a Home-Based, Parent-Implemented Program Addressing Emerging Problem Behavior
Contextual influences of illicit adolescent marijuana cultivation and trading in the Inqguza Hill local municipality of South Africa: implications for public health policy
Perceptions of COVID-19-related risk and mortality among ethnically diverse healthcare professionals in the UK
Intolerance of uncertainty, and not social anxiety, is associated with compromised extinction of social threat
Humanistic counselling plus pastoral care as usual versus pastoral care as usual for the treatment of psychological distress in adolescents in UK state schools (ETHOS): a randomised controlled trial
Unsettling Resilience: Colonial Ecological Violence, Indigenous Futurisms, and the Restoration of the Elwha River*
Peering behind the mask: The roles of reactance and gender in the relationship between self‐esteem and interpersonal problems
How beneficiaries see complex health interventions: a practice review of the Most Significant Change in ten countries
Involvement of community paediatricians in the care of children and young people with mental health difficulties in the UK: implications for case ascertainment by child and adolescent psychiatric, and paediatric surveillance systems
Suitability of Video Consultations During the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Cross-sectional Survey Among Norwegian General Practitioners
Mercurial Hearts: A Dyadic Perspective on the Role of Affect Spin in Work‐Family Conflict and Marital Satisfaction
Less generous welfare states end up needing more regulation to protect citizens from losing access to services
Giving the invisible hand a helping hand: How ‘Grants Offices’ work to nourish neoliberal researchers
Anxiety symptomatology and academic performance in adolescents: The role of parental emotional expressivity during conflict interactions
Impact of school closures and subsequent support strategies on attainment and socio-emotional wellbeing in Key Stage 1: Interim Paper 1
Differential effect of duration of early childcare under the age of three on socio-emotional outcomes
Long‐term changes in attachment patterns after psychotherapy in outpatients with Axis I and personality disorders vs. Axis I disorders only
“Care is not care if it isn’t person‐centred”: A content analysis of how Person‐Centred Care is expressed on Twitter