An observational study protocol to explore loneliness and systemic inflammation in an older adult population with chronic venous leg ulcers
Placing the future: Onward migration, education and citizenship among Portuguese‐Bangladeshi in London
From rain as risk to rain as resource: Professional and organizational changes in urban rainwater management
Adult Attachment, Personality Factors, Social Support, and Acculturative Stress of International Students
The Emotional and Other Barriers to Kinship Care in Denmark: A Case Study in Two Danish Municipalities
Building a Life Worth Living During a Pandemic and Beyond: Adaptations of Comprehensive DBT to COVID-19
Moral barriers to HIV prevention and care for gay and bisexual men: Challenges in times of conservatism in Brazil
Clinical traits of patients with major depressive disorder with comorbid borderline personality disorder based on propensity score matching
Diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection among pediatric household contacts of Iranian tuberculosis cases using tuberculin skin test, IFN- γ release assay and IFN-γ-induced protein-10
Randomized trial of community health worker-led decision coaching to promote shared decision-making for prostate cancer screening among Black male patients and their providers
Latent profiles of patients with borderline pathology based on the alternative DSM-5 model for personality disorders
Parent- and teacher-reported long-term effects of parent training on child conduct problems in families with child protection and other support services: a randomized controlled trial
Consuming Information Related to COVID-19 on Social Media Among Older Adults and Its Association With Anxiety, Social Trust in Information, and COVID-Safe Behaviors: Cross-sectional Telephone Survey
The Resiliency-Focused Supervision Model: Addressing Stress, Burnout, and Self-Care Among Social Workers
Comparison of the target-controlled infusion and the manual infusion of propofol anesthesia during electroconvulsive therapy: an open-label randomized controlled trial
Risk–need–responsivity: Evaluating need‐to‐service matching with reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, maintenance
Smokeless tobacco policy in Bangladesh: A stakeholder study of compatibility with the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
Group climate, aggressive incidents and coercion in a secure forensic setting for individuals with mild intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning: A multilevel study
Phone follow up to families of COVID‐19 patients who died at the hospital: families’ grief reactions and clinical psychologists’ roles
Alcohol consumption and risk of cardiovascular outcomes and bleeding in patients with established atrial fibrillation [Research]
Patents as Vehicles of Social and Moral Concerns: The Case of Johnson & Johnson Disposable Feminine Hygiene Products (1925–2012)
Feasibility and acceptability of a guided internet-based stress management intervention for university students with high levels of stress: Protocol for an open trial
“Aging-and-Tech Job Vulnerability”: A proposed framework on the dual impact of aging and AI, robotics, and automation among older workers