Identifying Interventions and Their Efficacy as Used by a Community Agency Managing and Responding to Elder Abuse
“I Would Report It Even If They Have Not Committed Anything”: Social Service Students’ Attitudes Toward Minor-Attracted People
Suicidality 1 Year Before and After Birth Among Commercially Insured Childbearing Individuals in the US, 2006-2017
Early warning systems for more effective student counselling in higher education: Evidence from a Dutch field experiment
Postpartum depressive symptoms following implementation of the 10 steps to successful breastfeeding program in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo: A cohort study
The influence of social, psychological, and cognitive factors on the clinical course in older patients with bipolar disorder
Let’s Chat: Development of a Family Group Chat Cancer Prevention Intervention for Vietnamese Families
Effects of a teacher training program to promote physically active play among preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders
Everybody needs somebody: Specificity and commonality in perceived social support trajectories of immigrant and non‐immigrant youth
Hospital bed supply and inequality as determinants of maternal mortality in China between 2004 and 2016
Considerations when offering mental health first aid to a person with an intellectual disability: a Delphi study
Considering multiple levels of influence on adjustment in school: Ethnic‐racial public regard, peer socialization, and social‐emotional learning practices
Examining the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Race Relations on Public Opinion about the Overrepresentation of Black People in U.S. Prisons
Impact of the supplemental nutritional assistance program on diet‐related disease morbidity among older adults
Racial Discrimination Predicts Mental Health Outcomes Beyond the Role of Personality Traits in a Community Sample of African Americans
‘Employability in context’: The importance of considering contextual factors in reimagining employability through Australian student mobility to the Indo‐Pacific region
Reducing depression among mothers in a residential treatment setting: building evidence for the PST4PPD intervention