‘It’s not that they don’t want to access the support . . . it’s the impact of the autism’: The experience of eating disorder services from the perspective of autistic women, parents and healthcare professionals
A systematic review of technological approaches for autism spectrum disorder assessment in children: Implications for the COVID-19 pandemic
The Social Welfare Policy Landscape and Child Protective Services: Opportunities for and Barriers to Creating Systems Synergy
Health information helps mitigate adolescent depression: A multivariate analysis of the links between health information use and depression management
Immigrant–non‐immigrant wage differentials in Canada: A comparison between standard and non‐standard jobs
The Threat of Appearing Racist: Stereotype Threat and Support for Coercion Among Australian Police Officers
Seniors don’t use Medicare.Gov: how do eligible beneficiaries obtain information about Medicare Advantage Plans in the United States?
Who should we ask about mental health symptoms in adolescents with CFS/ME? Parent-child agreement on the revised children’s anxiety and depression scale
“This Is Not the Hill to Die on. Even if We Literally Could Die on This Hill”: Examining Communication Ecologies of Uncertainty and Family Communication About COVID-19
Assessing Neuropsychological Functions in Middle Childhood: a Narrative Review of Measures and Their Psychometric Properties Across Context
Technology and Family Dynamics: The Relationships Among Children ’ s Use of Mobile Devices, Family Atmosphere and Parenting Approaches
The journey towards digital systemic competence: Thoughts on training, supervision and competence evaluation
Metacognition and emotion regulation as treatment targets in binge eating disorder: a network analysis study
Development and evaluation of an interactive web-based decision-making programme on relapse management for people with multiple sclerosis (POWER@MS2)—study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Durability of Abstinence After Completing a Comprehensive Digital Smoking Cessation Program Incorporating a Mobile App, Breath Sensor, and Coaching: Cohort Study
Maternal feeding style and child weight status among Hispanic families with low-income levels: a longitudinal study of the direction of effects
Women’s multiple uses of an overdose prevention technology to mitigate risks and harms within a supportive housing environment: a qualitative study
Understanding the link between work engagement and affective organisational commitment: The moderating effect of role stress
“I Don’t Know What to Say”: Teachers’ Perspectives on Supporting Bereaved Students After the Death of a Parent
Characteristics of patients with mental illness and persistent high-cost status: a population-based analysis [Research]
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Suicide Attempts Are Uniquely Associated with Eating Disorder Pathology and Behaviors Over and Above Negative Urgency
Exploring transgender adolescents’ body image concerns and disordered eating: Semi-structured interviews with nine gender minority youth
Effects of cognitive bias modification for interpretation on hostile interpretation bias and self-reported aggression in juvenile delinquents
Concurrent validity of the Alcohol Purchase Task for measuring the reinforcing efficacy of alcohol: an updated systematic review and meta‐analysis