Ethics of pursuing targets in public health: the case of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV-prevention programs in Kenya
Beyond the supermarket: analyzing household shopping trip patterns that include food at home and away from home retailers
Support practices by an interdisciplinary team in a palliative-care unit for relatives of patients in agonal phase
Measuring consumer access, appraisal and application of services and information for dementia (CAAASI-Dem): a key component of dementia literacy
Standardization of Human Rights–Based Workforce Induction Curriculum for Social Work Field Supervisors
Comparison of health service use trajectories of residential aged care residents reviewed by a hospital avoidance program versus usual care
Reduced sexual contacts with non-steady partners and less PrEP use among MSM in Belgium during the first weeks of the COVID-19 lockdown: results of an online survey
A SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance System in Sub-Saharan Africa: Modeling Study for Persistence and Transmission to Inform Policy
Adding team-based financial incentives to the Carrot Rewards physical activity app increases daily step count on a population scale: a 24-week matched case control study
Dog‐assisted interventions in care homes: A qualitative exploration of the nature, meaning and impact of interactions for older people
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Suicidal Ideation: The Moderating Effect of Posttraumatic Cognitions
Cultural Intelligence and Language Competence: Synergistic Effects on Avoidance, Task Performance, and Voice Behaviors in Multicultural Teams
Learning the rules of the game: How is corporate masculinity learned and enacted by male professionals from nonprivileged backgrounds?
Parent‐reported socioemotional and cognitive development in children with a cleft lip and/or palate at 18 months: Findings from a UK birth cohort
Impact of providing free HIV self-testing kits on frequency of testing among men who have sex with men and their sexual partners in China: A randomized controlled trial
Quality of life as a predictor of time to heroin relapse among male residents following release from compulsory rehabilitation centres in Vietnam
Association of combined engagement in cognitive and physical activity with domain‐specific cognitive function: The Shanghai Aging Study
Coronavirus and Me: Understanding how disabled children and young people have experienced the pandemic in Wales
Profiling the risk factors associated with falls in older people with diabetes receiving at‐home nursing care: Retrospective analysis of an Australian aged care provider database
Thematic content of obsessive and compulsive symptoms and conversion to psychosis in a clinical high‐risk cohort
Intimate Partner Violence and COVID-19 in Rural, Remote, and Northern Canada: Relationship, Vulnerability and Risk
Are stress management interventions effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and depression in college students?
Situational analysis mapping for transformative thinking, conceptualisation and dialogues in counselling practice
Impact of low and no alcohol beers on purchases of alcohol: interrupted time series analysis of British household shopping data, 2015-2018
Winter Planning Guide Overview: Homeless System Response: Meeting Winter Shelter Needs & Mitigating Health Risks
A multiple methods evaluation of a cognitive behavioural therapy group for people with learning disabilities and anxiety
Intraoperative dexmedetomidine for prevention of postoperative delirium in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment
Enhancing integrated psychosocial oncology through leveraging the oncology social worker’s role in collaborative care
Correction to: Response to Commentaries: Recognizing Hypersexuality as a Psychosexual Behavioral Problem and Advancing the Sexhavior Cycle of Hypersexuality
Systemic Racism and the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA): Using Critical Race Theory to Build Equitable Family Leave Policies