Informed Health Choices media intervention for improving people’s ability to critically appraise the trustworthiness of claims about treatment effects: a mixed-methods process evaluation of a randomised trial in Uganda
The effects of if-then plans on weight loss: results of the 24-month follow-up of the McGill CHIP Healthy Weight Program randomized controlled trial
The role of environmental influences in the complex relationship between borderline personality disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: review of recent findings
Neuropsychiatric outcomes before and after switching to dolutegravir-based therapy in an acute HIV cohort
“Free won’t” after a beer or two: chronic and acute effects of alcohol on neural and behavioral indices of intentional inhibition
Big Data in Context: Addressing the Twin Perils of Data Absenteeism and Chauvinism in the Context of Health Disparities Research
Understanding decisions to use e‐cigarettes or behavioural support to quit tobacco: a qualitative study of current and ex‐smokers and stop smoking service staff
Exploring the psychometric properties of the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care measurement tool for care providers in Australia
Transfer of the Avoidance Function in Equivalence Classes Using Loss of Points as the Aversive Stimulus
The relationship between organisational stressors and mental wellbeing within police officers: a systematic review
Over Half of Nonelderly Adults Support Either a Public Option or Medicare for All, with More Preferring a Public Option
Enhancing Standards and Principles in Digital Mental Health With Recovery-Focused Guidelines for Mobile, Online, and Remote Monitoring Technologies
Rapid increase in the prevalence of cannabis use among persons with depression in the U.S., 2005‐2017: the role of differentially changing risk perceptions
“Just because they aren’t human doesn’t mean they aren’t alive”: The methodological potential of photovoice to examine human-nature relations as a source of resilience and health among urban Indigenous youth
Inequity in inpatient services utilization: a longitudinal comparative analysis of middle-aged and elderly patients with the chronic non-communicable diseases in China
Determinants of enrollment decision in the community-based health insurance, North West Ethiopia: a case-control study
Opportunities and challenges for delivering non-communicable disease management and services in fragile and post-conflict settings: perceptions of policy-makers and health providers in Sierra Leone
Mental Health Literacy and Help-Seeking Preferences in High School Students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The Dualistic Role of Child Noncompliance: Normal Developmental Process and Indicator of Child Psychopathology
Neural Correlates Supported by Eye Movements of Self-Focused Attention and Other-Focused Attention in Social Situations
Is Callous Always Cold? A Critical Review of the Literature on Emotion and the Development of Callous–Unemotional Traits in Children
The Young Adult Male’s Perception of Life with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and a Stoma: A Qualitative Examination
Patterns of Drug Use and Related Factors Among Prisoners in Iran: Results from the National Survey in 2015
A National Epidemiologic Profile of Physical Intimate Partner Violence, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Supportive Childhood Relationships: Group Differences in Predicted Trends and Associations
Implicit and explicit measures of teaching self‐efficacy and their relation to cultural heterogeneity: differences between preservice and in‐service teachers
Unraveling the Complexity in the Design and Implementation of Bundled Payments: A Scoping Review of Key Elements From a Payer’s Perspective
Social Work, Place, and Power: Applying Heterotopian Principles to the Social Topology of Social Work
A review of literature on the link between action observation and action language: advancing a shared semantic theory
Combined action observation and motor imagery facilitates visuomotor adaptation in children with developmental coordination disorder
Indigenous people with disabilities in Canada: First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit aged 15 and older
The Diagnostic System: Why the Classification of Psychiatric Disorders Is Necessary, Difficult, and Never Settled