The implementation and evaluation of a resilience enhancement programme for nurses working in the forensic setting
Who can we reach and who can we keep? Predictors of intervention engagement and adherence in a cluster randomized controlled trial in South Africa
Measuring the quality of care in nursing home residents with early-onset neurodegenerative diseases: a scoping review
Delirium misdiagnosis risk in psychiatry: a machine learning-logistic regression predictive algorithm
Associations with rates of falls among home care clients in Ontario, Canada: a population-based, cross-sectional study
Does patient expectancy account for the cognitive and clinical benefits of mindfulness training in older adults?
Examining the sustained use of a cognitive behavioral therapy program for youth with autism spectrum disorder and co-occurring anxiety
Utilization of drugs for the management of cardiovascular diseases at intermediate care facilities for older adults in Japan
Is early mobile phone ownership shaping child development? A longitudinal study of wellbeing among adolescent girls and boys in Ireland
Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella and Shigella species isolated from diarrheic children in Ambo town
Responding to the challenge of Adolescent Perinatal Depression (RAPiD): protocol for a cluster randomized hybrid trial of psychosocial intervention in primary maternal care
Correction to: Mothers screening for malnutrition by mid-upper arm circumference is non-inferior to community health workers: results from a large-scale pragmatic trial in rural Niger
The Systematic Medical Appraisal Referral and Treatment Mental Health Project: Quasi-Experimental Study to Evaluate a Technology-Enabled Mental Health Services Delivery Model Implemented in Rural India
Commercial app use linked with sustained physical activity in two Canadian provinces: a 12-month quasi-experimental study
Mending broken bonds in military couples using emotionally focused therapy for couples: Tips and discoveries
Construction and evaluation of multidomain attention training to improve alertness attention, sustained attention, and visual‐spatial attention in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial
Thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness in Korean college students: Psychometric properties and cultural considerations for the interpersonal needs Questionnaire-10
Drive and Direction: Empathy with Intended Targets Moderates the Proactive Personality–Job Performance Relationship via Work Engagement
The interplay between work engagement, workaholism, emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction in academics: A person‐centred approach to the study of occupational well‐being and its relations with job hindrances and job challenges in an Italian university
Testing the effectiveness of a weight bias educational intervention among clinical psychology trainees
Are they ideological renegades? Fathers’ experiences on taking parental leave and gender dynamics in Korea: A qualitative study
A literature review on teachers’ job satisfaction in developing countries: Recommendations and solutions for the enhancement of the job
Preventing and reducing ‘coercion’ in mental health services: an international scoping review of English‐language studies
Unique associations of social media use and online appearance preoccupation with depression, anxiety, and appearance rejection sensitivity
Using exercise to facilitate arousal reappraisal and reduce stress reactivity: A randomized controlled trial
Population-based preference weights for the Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit (ASCOT) for service users for Austria: Findings from a best-worst experiment
Development and psychometric properties of a team formulation measure in intellectual disabilities services
Identifying return to work trajectories among employees on sick leave due to mental health problems using latent class transition analysis
The disequilibrium in the distribution of the primary health workforce among eight economic regions and between rural and urban areas in China
Improving the validity, relevance and feasibility of the continuum of care framework for maternal health in South Africa: a thematic analysis of experts’ perspectives