Beyond Recruitment: Comparing Experiences of Climate and Diversity between International Students and Domestic Students of Color in U.S. Urban Planning Programs
Family assets, parental expectation, and child educational achievement in China: A validation of mediation analyses
The influence of music therapy on preoperative anxiety in pediatric oncology patients undergoing invasive procedures
Predicting climate change mitigation and adaptation behaviors in agricultural production: A comparison of the theory of planned behavior and the Value-Belief-Norm Theory
Causal Evidence for Exclusively Positive Parenting and for Timeout: Rejoinder to Holden, Grogan-Kaylor, Durrant, and Gershoff (2017)
Making Integration Work: Key Elements for Effective Partnerships between Physical and Behavioral Health Organizations in Medicaid
Expanding Access and Reducing Prices for Drugs to Prevent HIV Should Government Enforce Its Patent Rights Against the Pharmaceutical Industry?
Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Annual Report State Fiscal Year June 2018 to July 2019. Tennessee
Race Equality Policy Making in a Devolved Context: Assessing the Opportunities and Obstacles for a ‘Scottish Approach’
Health Demands Moderate the Link Between Willpower Beliefs and Physical Activity in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Interpersonal Risk Factors for Suicide in Cocaine Dependence: Association with Self‐Esteem, Personality Traits, and Childhood Abuse
A systematic review and meta‐analysis on the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation in depressive episodes
Roll-your-own loose tobacco packaging warning labels: a qualitative study using a novel elicitation method
The views and experiences of patients and health‐care professionals on the disclosure of adverse events: A systematic review and qualitative meta‐ethnographic synthesis
Putting Positive Weight‐Related Conversations into Practice: The Pilot Implementation of a Knowledge Translation Casebook
Efficacy of the Acceptance and Cognitive Restructuring Intervention Program (ACRIP) on the Internet Gaming Disorder Symptoms of Selected Asian Adolescents
Role of flavours in vaping uptake and cessation among New Zealand smokers and non-smokers: a cross-sectional study
Changes in and the mediating role of physical activity in relation to active school transport, fitness and adiposity among Spanish youth: the UP&DOWN longitudinal study
An intervention development for cessation of hookah smoking among Iranian women: study protocol for a systematic and theory-based approach to intervention design
Digitally enabled aged care and neurological rehabilitation to enhance outcomes with Activity and MObility UsiNg Technology (AMOUNT) in Australia: A randomised controlled trial
Bringing archaeology into the information age: entropy, noise, channel capacity, and information potential in archaeological significance assessments
On the Role Conflict of Social Workers in Lithuania Dealing with the Issue of Legal Capacity of Persons with Disabilities
The Effects of Intimate Partner Violence and a History of Childhood Abuse on Mental Health and Stress during Pregnancy
Does Honesty Require Time? Two Preregistered Direct Replications of Experiment 2 of Shalvi, Eldar, and Bereby-Meyer (2012)
Behavioral Economic Insights for Pediatric Obesity Suggestions for Translating the Guidelines for Our Patients