Cancer worry and empathy moderate the effect of a survivorship‐focused intervention on quality of life
Climate change and displacement: protecting ‘climate refugees’ within a framework of justice and human rights
Body mass index, residual psychotic symptoms, and inflammation associated with brain volume reduction in older patients with schizophrenia
Effects of low- and high-intensity physical exercise on physical and cognitive function in older persons with dementia: a randomized controlled trial
Women’s and peer supporters’ experiences of an assets‐based peer support intervention for increasing breastfeeding initiation and continuation: A qualitative study
Evidence synthesis relevant to COVID-19: a protocol for multiple systematic reviews and overviews of systematic reviews
Impact of sleep restriction on affective functioning in adolescents with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder
The associations between psychological distress and health-related quality of life in patients with non-cardiac chest pain
How often are outcomes other than change in substance use measured? A systematic review of outcome measures in contemporary randomised controlled trials
Between a rock and a hard place: Associations between Mentzos’ “dilemma”, self‐reported interpersonal problems, and psychosocial functioning in individuals with non‐affective psychoses
Social Factors Boost Well‐Being Behind Bars: The Importance of Individual and Group Ties for Prisoner Well‐Being
Husband’s willingness-to-pay for HIV and syphilis screening at antenatal care clinic under the Thai universal coverage scheme
Agreement between the Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life-Direct Weighting (SEIQoL-DW) interview and a paper-administered adaption
Valuing the cost of improving Chilean primary vaccination: a cost minimization analysis of a hexavalent vaccine
Long‐term trend in socioeconomic inequalities and geographic variation in the utilization of antenatal care service in India between 1998 and 2015
The association between the level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet and successful aging: An analysis of the ATTICA and MEDIS (MEDiterranean Islands Study) epidemiological studies
A case of an elderly patient with persistent idiopathic facial pain related to dental implants successfully treated with mirtazapine
Children Outside the United Kingdom – Phase 2: The protection of children outside the United Kingdom [ travel restriction orders, extra-territorial prosecutions and disclosure and barring regimes ]
Double burden of malnutrition in children aged 24 to 59 months by socioeconomic status in five South Asian countries: evidence from demographic and health surveys
Characteristics of sleep/wake problems and delivery outcomes among pregnant Japanese women without gestational complications
Health technology identities and self. Patients’ appropriation of an assistive device for self‐management of chronic illness
The application of meta-analytic (multi-level) models with multiple random effects: A systematic review