Nutritional status and dietary diversity of school-age children living with HIV: a cross-sectional study in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Opening schools for more children and young people: initial planning framework for schools in England
Hospital utilization rates following antipsychotic dose reduction in mood disorders: implications for treatment of tardive dyskinesia
‘Where chaos was, there shall be a matrix’ (de Maré). The large analytic group between chaos and creativity—reflections on the concept, its history and further evolution
What are the elements needed to create an effective visual art intervention for people with dementia? A qualitative exploration
‘They Really Should Start Listening to You’: The Benefits and Challenges of Co-Producing a Participatory Framework of Youth Justice Practice
From teacher transmission of information to student feedback literacy: Activating the learner role in feedback processes
The Importance of Research on Integrating Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) with Evidence-Based Reading Interventions
‘Sharing things with people that I don’t even know’: help-seeking for psychological symptoms in injured Black men in Philadelphia
Exploring the impact of carer stressors and psychological inflexibility on depression and anxiety in family carers of people with dementia
Manual therapy versus therapeutic exercise in non-specific chronic neck pain: a randomized controlled trial
Contribution of common chronic conditions to midlife physical function decline: The Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation
Correction: Effectiveness of a Web-Based Tailored Intervention With Virtual Assistants Promoting the Acceptability of HPV Vaccination Among Mothers of Invited Girls: Randomized Controlled Trial
Chinese- and English-speaking adult current smokers’ perspectives on smoking and culturally and linguistically appropriate cessation: a qualitative analysis
Inequality of opportunity and (unequal) opportunities in the youth labour market: How is the Arab world different?
Factors affecting the utilization of antenatal care among married women of reproductive age in the rural Thatta, Pakistan: findings from a community-based case-control study
Patients’ pre- and postoperative expectations as predictors of clinical outcomes six months after cardiac surgery
Comparing story reading and video watching as two distinct forms of vicarious contact: An experimental intervention among elementary school children
School systems as breeding grounds for shadow education: Factors contributing to private supplementary tutoring in West Bengal, India
Dialectical behavior therapy adapted for binge eating compared to cognitive behavior therapy in obese adults with binge eating disorder: a controlled study
Analysis of public policy formulation and its effect on the technical and professional work of the community psychologist: A case study
The short or long end of the stick? Mothers’ social position and self‐employment status from a comparative perspective
Investigation into the relationship between religious orientation and depression in elderly individuals
Identifying the influence of university governance on campus management: lessons from the Netherlands and Poland