Efficacy of interventions to improve psychological adjustment for parents of infants with or at risk of neurodevelopmental disability: A systematic review
Parenting practices, aggressive response evaluation and decision, and social difficulties in kindergarten children: The role of fathers
The Role of Defensive Pessimism and Love and Sex Perception on Rape Victim Blame Attribution among Public Servants in a Nigerian City
Perceiving those who are gone: Cultural research on post-bereavement perception or hallucination of the deceased
Exercise and Cognitive Training Intervention Improves Self-Care, Quality of Life and Functional Capacity in Persons With Heart Failure
Using implementation science to mitigate worsening health inequities in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic
Factor structure of The Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers and psychometric properties of its Hungarian version
A cluster randomized controlled trial on a multifaceted implementation strategy to promote integrated palliative care in COPD: study protocol of the COMPASSION study
Feasibility of a yoga intervention to decrease pain in older women: a randomized controlled pilot study
Deconstructing positionality in conflict resolution: Reflections from first-person action research in Pakistan and the South Caucasus
The Development of a Short Version of the SIMS Using Machine Learning to Detect Feigning in Forensic Assessment
Mortality characteristics in Sudan in national psychiatric hospitals: 5-year review of hospital mortality
Reliability and validity of the Caregiver Reported Early Development Instruments (CREDI) in impoverished regions of China
Natural Language Processing Reveals Vulnerable Mental Health Support Groups and Heightened Health Anxiety on Reddit During COVID-19: Observational Study
Mellow Futures – An adapted parenting programme for mothers with learning difficulties in England and Scotland. Professionals’ views on the outcomes
Psychological therapies and psychoeducational recommendations for bipolar disorder treatment during COVID‐19 pandemic
The empowering potential of intergroup leadership: How intergroup leadership predicts psychological empowerment through intergroup relational identification and resources
Tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke linked to more than 20% of deaths from coronary heart disease
Power, Profits and the Pandemic: From corporate extraction for the few to an economy that works for all
Drug‐naïve first‐episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders: Pharmacological treatment practices in inpatient units in Hunan Province, China
Axiomatizations for the Shapley–Shubik power index for games with several levels of approval in the input and output
Maternal Education and Child Mortality Differentials: An Upshot From the National Family Health Survey 2015–2016, India
Why do patients with psychosis listen to and believe derogatory and threatening voices? 21 reasons given by patients
Physical activity moderates the association between parenting stress and quality of life in working mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic
The relationship between perfectionism and eating‐related symptoms in adolescents: A systematic review
Impact of maternal and child dental anxiety on oral health-related quality of life of 5–6-year-old preschool children
Parallel worlds and personified pain: A mixed‐methods analysis of pain metaphor use by women with endometriosis
Age, education and gender effects on Wisconsin card sorting test: standardization, reliability and validity in healthy Argentinian adults