Health care utilisation among older people with Down syndrome compared to specific medical guidelines for health surveillance: a Swedish national register study
Comparing proton pump inhibitors with histamin-2 receptor blockers regarding the risk of osteoporotic fractures: a nested case-control study of more than 350,000 Korean patients with GERD and peptic ulcer disease
Influences on help-seeking decisions for behavioral child sleep problems: Why parents do and do not seek help
Do Views on Sex Offending Vary by Nationality? A Comparative Analysis of Community Sentiment Toward Sex Offense Legislation in the United States and United Kingdom
Sociodemographic and Clinical Features of Homeless Persons with Mental Illness Residing in Welfare Homes in Kerala, India
Landscapes of care and despair for rural youth – a qualitative study in the northern Swedish ‘periphery’
Cross-sectional study of the anthropometric characteristics of children with congenital Zika syndrome up to 12 months of life
Effectiveness of a home-based telerehabilitation system in patients after total hip arthroplasty: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Knowledge, Awareness, and Attitudes Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Different Populations in Central China: Cross-Sectional Survey
‘We’re responsible for the diagnosis and for finding help’. The help‐seeking trajectories of families of children on the autism spectrum
Exploring views on alcohol consumption and digital support for alcohol reduction in UK‐based Punjabi‐Sikh men: A think aloud and interview study
Psychometric properties and measurement invariance of the 7-item game addiction scale (GAS) among Chinese college students
“I have turned into a foreman here at home.” Families and work‐life balance in times of Covid‐19 in a gender equality paradise.
The association between physicians’ exercise counseling and physical activity in patients with cancer: Which roles do patients’ satisfaction and previous physical activity levels play?
Advancing the social identity theory of leadership: A meta-analytic review of leader group prototypicality
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Cognitive Behavioral Group Prevention Program for Mainland Chinese University Students in Hong Kong
Nourishing Environments, Caring Cities: Gardening and the Social Reproduction of the Urban Environment in Deindustrial Michigan
Covariates of Multiplicity of High-Risk Sexual Behavior Among Men in India: Evidence from the Latest Indian Demographic and Health Survey
To What Extent Do Situation-Model-Approach Interventions Improve Relative Metacomprehension Accuracy? Meta-Analytic Insights
Twitter Fingers and Echo Chambers: Exploring Expressions and Experiences of Online Racism Using Twitter