Based on incisive analyses of economic globalization, class, politics, and bureaucracy, The Assault on Social Policy examines the ordinary speech used to make poverty and extreme inequality seem acceptable, the corporate strategies co-opting the distribution of wealth and other resources, and the negative effect of these efforts on our more vulnerable citizens, such as those with disabilities, incarcerated individuals, children, and the elderly. This second edition incorporates new research on the hotly contested policies dealing with poverty, welfare, disability, social security, and health care. It also takes stock of the ongoing effects of globalization and adds a chapter on education.
Archive for July 2014
Associations between early alcohol and tobacco use and prolonged time to puberty in boys
Social work and artefacts: social workers’ use of objects in client relations
Disability benefits, welfare reform and employment policy
Does perceived risk influence the effects of message framing? A new investigation of a widely held notion
Significant work events and counterproductive work behavior: The role of fairness, emotions, and emotion regulation
Prophylactic use of heparin for deep vein thrombosis in restrained psychiatric patients: a chart review: Prophylactic heparin and DVT – Accepted Manuscript
The struggle to understand: exploring medical students’ experiences of learning and understanding during a basic science course
Social anxiety disorder diagnostic criteria perform equally across age, comorbid diagnosis, and performance/interaction subtypes
Alcohol consumption and physical functioning among middle-aged and older adults in Central and Eastern Europe: Results from the HAPIEE study
The Growth of Incarceration in the United States: Exploring Causes and Consequences (2014)
A protocol for an exploratory phase I mixed-methods study of enhanced integrated care for care home residents with advanced dementia: the Compassion Intervention
Crisis Services for Behavioral Health Emergencies