Discussing patient’s lifestyle choices in the consulting room: analysis of GP-patient consultations between 1975 and 2008
Violence against civilians and access to health care in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo: three cross-sectional surveys
An evaluation of the effect of an educational intervention for Australian social workers on competence in delivering brief cognitive behavioural strategies: A randomised controlled trial
Inequitable walking conditions among older people: examining the inter-relationship of neighbourhood socio-economic status and urban form using a comparative case study
Comparing sexual risks and patterns of alcohol and drug use between injection drug users (IDUs) and non-IDUs who report sexual partnerships with IDUs in St. Petersburg, Russia
Methodological challenges in following up patients of a hospital child protection team: is there a recruitment bias?
CRIMSON [CRisis plan IMpact: Subjective and Objective coercion and eNgagement] Protocol: A randomised controlled trial of joint crisis plans to reduce compulsory treatment of people with psychosis
Bio-psycho-social medicine is a comprehensive form of medicine bridging clinical medicine and public health
LEARN 2 MOVE 16-24: Effectiveness of an intervention to stimulate physical activity and improve physical fitness of adolescents and young adults with spastic cerebral palsy; a randomized controlled trial
Rationale, design and methods for a randomised and controlled trial to evaluate "Animal Fun" – a program designed to enhance physical and mental health in young children.
Utilisation, contents and costs of prenatal care under a rural health insurance (New Co-operative Medical System) in rural China: lessons from implementation
The differential impact of subjective and objective aspects of social engagement on cardiovascular risk factors
Obesity prevention and personal responsibility: the case of front-of-pack food labelling in Australia
Surviving crack: a qualitative study of the strategies and tactics developed by Brazilian users to deal with the risks associated with the drug.
Why Japanese workers show low work engagement: An Item Response Theory analysis of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale
Factors that reduce the conflicts of health professionals about working during a public crisis: A cross sectional study of Motivation and Hesitation of hospital workers in Japan during the pandemic (H1N1) 2009.
Guided self-help on the Internet for Turkish migrants with depression: the design of a randomized controlled trial
State-Specific Prevalence of Cigarette Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Adults — United States, 2009
Factors associated with commencing smoking in 12-year-old students in Catalonia (Spain): a cross-sectional population-based study
Stereotyping of medical disability claimants’ communication behaviour by physicians: towards more focused education for social insurance physicians
Evaluation of a commercial web-based weight loss and weight loss maintenance program in overweight and obese adults: a randomized controlled trial
What is known about the effects of medical tourism in destination and departure countries? A scoping review
Factors associated with psychological and behavioral functioning in people with type 2 diabetes living in France
How can we improve targeting of frail elderly patients to a Geriatric Day-Hospital rehabilitation program?
Impact of race on efficacy and safety during treatment with olanzapine in schizophrenia, schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder
Ecological analysis of health care utilisation for China’s rural population: association with a rural county’s socioeconomic characteristics
Using formative research to develop MNCH programme in urban slums in Bangladesh: experiences from Manoshi, BRAC
Infection Status and Risk Factors of HIV, HBV, HCV, and Syphilis among Drug Users in Guangdong, China—– a Cross-sectional Study
Effect of a multidisciplinary stress treatment programme on the return to work rate for persons with work-related stress. A non-randomized controlled study from a stress clinic
Examining the types and payments of the disabilities of the insurants in the national farmers’ health insurance program in Taiwan
No departure to "Pandora"? Using critical phenomenology to differentiate "naive" from "reflective" experience in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine
Validation of a functional screening instrument for dementia in an elderly Sri Lankan population: comparison of modified Bristol and Blessed activities of daily living scales.
Emotional support predicts more sickness absence and poorer self assessed work ability: a two-year prospective cohort study
Trends in Immunization Completion and Disparities in the Context of Health Reforms: The case study of Tanzania
Factors associated with hospital service satisfaction in a sample of Arab subjects with schizophrenia
The Nutrition and Enjoyable Activity for Teen Girls (NEAT Girls) randomized controlled trial for adolescent girls from disadvantaged secondary schools: Rationale, study protocol, and baseline results
A randomised clinical trial on comprehensive geriatric assessment and intensive home follow-up after hospital discharge: the Transitional Care Bridge
MMWR: Prevalence and Awareness of HIV Infection Among Men Who Have Sex With Men—21 Cities, United States, 2008