Building the Cancer Family: Family Planning in the Context of Inherited Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk
Process evaluation of a school based physical activity related injury prevention programme using the RE-AIM framework
Patterns of alcohol consumption and ischaemic heart disease in culturally divergent countries: the Prospective Epidemiological Study of Myocardial Infarction (PRIME)
Ambivalent connections: a qualitative study of the care experiences of non-psychotic chronic patients who are perceived as ‘difficult’ by professionals
Antidepressant treatment and cultural differences – a survey of the attitudes of physicians and patients in Sweden and Turkey
Health plan administrative records versus birth certificate records: quality of race and ethnicity information in children
Developing a Systematic Procedure for the Assessment of Self-Defining Memories in Psychodynamic Therapy: Promise and Pitfalls
Measurement invariance of the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life Instrument (KDQOL-SF) across Veterans and non-Veterans
Bullying in school and cyberspace: Associations with depressive symptoms in Swiss and Australian adolescents
An exploration of the knowledge and attitudes towards breastfeeding among a sample of Chinese mothers in Ireland
Social desirability and self-reported health risk behaviors in web-based research: three longitudinal studies
Interface of culture, insecurity and HIV and AIDS: Lessons from displaced communities in Pader District, Northern Uganda.
Development of an intervention program to increase effective behaviours by patients and clinicians in psychiatric services: Intervention Mapping study
Social capital in relation to depression, musculoskeletal pain, and psychosomatic symptoms: a cross-sectional study of a large population-based cohort of Swedish adolescents
Associations of alcohol consumption with diabetes mellitus and impaired fasting glycemia among middle-aged and elderly Chinese
Type D personality is associated with increased metabolic syndrome prevalence and an unhealthy lifestyle in a cross-sectional Dutch community sample
Sex, drugs and gender roles: Mapping the use of sex and gender based analysis in pharmaceutical policy research
Associations between depressive symptoms, sexual behaviour and relationship characteristics: a prospective cohort study of young women and men in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Sharing clinical research data in the United Statesunder the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the Privacy Rule
Simplified routines in prescribing physical activity can increase the amount of prescriptions by doctors, more than mere economic incentives only: an observational intervention study
Effects of general practitioner training and family support services on the care of home-dwelling dementia patients – Results of a controlled cluster-randomized study
Parents’ beliefs about appropriate infant size, growth and feeding behaviour: implications for the prevention of childhood obesity
Factors influencing overweight children’s commencement of and continuation in a resistance training program
Late-life depression with comorbid cognitive impairment and disability: nonpharmacological interventions
Sexual behaviour does not reflect HIV-1 prevalence differences: a comparison study of Zimbabwe and Tanzania
Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of risk screening and early intervention comparing child- and family-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy for PTSD in children following accidental injury.