Author Guidelines for Reporting Scale Development and Validation Results in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Physical activity and nutrition program for seniors (PANS): protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Is there a linear relationship between the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and the Clinical Global Impression-Schizophrenia Scale? A retrospective analysis
Adolescent gender differences in the determinants of tobacco smoking: a cross sectional survey among high school students in Sao Paulo
Supporting good practice in the provision of services to people with comorbid mental health and alcohol and other drug problems in Australia: describing key elements of good service models
Perceptions and attitudes of clinicians in Spain toward clinical practice guidelines and grading systems: a protocol for a qualitative study and a national survey
Psychological response of family members of patients hospitalised for influenza A/H1N1 in Oaxaca, Mexico
Can Fire and Rescue Services and the National Health Service work together to improve the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable older people? Design of a proof of concept study
Opioid substitution therapy in Manipur and Nagaland, north-east India: operational research in action
Participants’ preference for type of leaflet used to feed back the results of a randomised trial: a survey
Health status of the advanced elderly in six European countries: results from a representative survey using EQ-5D and SF-12
Strengthening health human resources and improving clinical outcomes through an integrated guideline and educational outreach in resource-poor settings: a cluster-randomized trial
Missed Opportunities for Tobacco Use Screening and Brief Cessation Advice in South African Primary Health Care: a Cross-sectional Study
Effects of a free school breakfast programme on school attendance, achievement, psychosocial function, and nutrition: study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial
Randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of a specialist team for managing refractory unipolar depressive disorder.
Being questioned and receiving advice about alcohol and smoking in health care: Associations with patients’ characteristics, health behavior, and reported stage of change.
Protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a school based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) intervention to prevent depression in high risk adolescents (PROMISE)
Barriers to Participation in Mental Health Research: are there specific gender, ethnicity and age related barriers?
Interventions to improve benzodiazepine prescribing, lessons from the past 20 years to guide future interventions
What makes primary care effective for people in poverty living with multiple chronic conditions?: study protocol
Gender-specific profiles of tobacco use among non-institutionalized people with serious mental illness
Marital status and educational level associated to obesity in Greek adults: Data from the National Epidemiological Survey
The COMTval158met polymorphism is associated with symptom relief during exposure-based cognitive-behavioral treatment in panic disorder
Estimation of hospital-based HIV seroprevalence as a nationwide scale by novel method; 2002-2008 in Korea
Recovery from depressive symptoms, state anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in women exposed to physical and psychological, but not to psychological intimate partner violence alone: A longitudinal study
A psychophysiological investigation of laterality in human emotion elicited by pleasant and unpleasant film clips
Integrating the promotion of physical activity within a smoking cessation programme: Findings from collaborative action research in UK Stop Smoking Services
MMWR: Mortality Among Patients with Tuberculosis and Associations with HIV Status — United States, 1993–2008
Clinician-rated mental health in outpatient child and adolescent mental health services: associations with parent, teacher and adolescent ratings
Release Time and Academic Outcomes: Does Releasing Students for Religious or Moral Education Negatively Affect Test Scores?