Contrasting Clients in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: “Marie” and “Dean,” Two Cases with Different Alliance Trajectories & Outcomes
Prevalence of thinness in children and adolescents in the Seychelles: comparison of two international growth references
Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of preferred intensity exercise in women living with depression
The “Individual-Case-Comparison” Method for Systematically Comparing Good-Outcome and Poor-Outcome RCT Clients: Editor’s Introduction
Performance and cross-cultural comparison of the short-form version of the CPQ11-14 in New Zealand, Brunei and Brazil.
Perceived functional limitation and health promotion during mid- to late life: The mediating role of affect
Drug Checking: A prevention measure for a heterogeneous group with high consumption frequency and polydrug use. Evaluation of Zurich’s Drug Checking services.
The relationship between social support and self-reported health status in immigrants: an adjusted analysis in the Madrid Cross Sectional Study.
Occupational Segregation, gender essentialism and male primacy as major barriers to equity in HIV care giving: Findings from Lesotho
Adolescents’ leisure activities, parental monitoring and cigarette smoking – a cross-sectional study.
Antidepressant-Resistant Depression and Antidepressant-Associated Suicidal Behaviour: The Role of Underlying Bipolarity
Prevalence of severe mental distress and its correlates in a population-based study in rural south-west Uganda
Validation of a new hand-held electronic data capture method for continuous monitoring of subjective appetite sensations
Screening and Referral for Postpartum Depression among Low-Income Women: A Qualitative Perspective from Community Health Workers
Schizophrenia in Malaysian families: A study on factors associated with quality of life of primary family caregivers
The Home-Based Older People’s Exercise (HOPE) trial: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
The Influence of Education and Home Environment on the Cognitive Outcomes of Preschool Children in Germany
The Institutional Review Board is an Impediment to Human Research: The Result is More Animal-Based Research
Integrating a family-focused approach into child obesity prevention: Rationale and design for the My Parenting SOS study randomized control trial
Prevalence of physical inactivity and barriers to physical activity among obese attendants at a community health-care center in Karachi, Pakistan.
Comparison of early-, late-, and non-participants in a school-based asthma management program for urban high school students
Sexual Identity, Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9–12 — Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, Selected Sites, United States, 2001–2009
Depression and Self-Concept: Personality Traits or Coping Styles in Reaction to School Retention of Hispanic Adolescents
Non-leisure time physical activity is an independent predictor of longevity for a Taiwanese elderly population: an eight-year follow-up study
"If the patients decide not to tell what can we do?" – TB/HIV counsellors’ dilemma on partner notification for HIV
Psychosocial Development and First Substance Use in Third and Fourth Grade Students: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study
Community interventions to reduce child mortality in Dhanusha, Nepal: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial
How important is the land use mix measure in understanding walking behaviour? Results from the RESIDE study.
Antidepressant Therapy in Severe Depression May Have Different Effects on Ego-Dystonic and Ego-Syntonic Suicidal Ideation
Premenstrual symptoms in young adults born preterm at very low birth weight – from the Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults