Validity and predictors of BMI derived from self-reported height and weight among 11- to 17-year-old German adolescents from the KiGGS study
The influence of the level of physical activity and human development in the quality of life in survivors of stroke
Validity of the international physical activity questionnaire and the Singapore prospective study program physical activity questionnaire in a multiethnic urban Asian population
Access to non-pecuniary benefits: does gender matter? Evidence from six low- and middle-income countries
An innovative method to assess clinical reasoning skills: Clinical reasoning tests in the second national medical science Olympiad in Iran
Effect of multidimensional lifestyle intervention on fitness and adiposity in predominantly migrant preschool children (Ballabeina): cluster randomised controlled trial
Drivers’ and conductors’ views on the causes and ways of preventing workplace violence in the road passenger transport sector in Maputo City, Mozambique
Cardiovascular risk among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal smoking male prisoners: Inequalities compared to the wider community
Investigating a TELEmedicine solution to improve MEDication adherence in chronic Heart Failure (TELEMED-HF): study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Exposure to and opinions towards sex education among adolescent students in Mumbai: a cross-sectional survey
Walking for leisure among adults from three Brazilian cities and its association with perceived environment attributes and personal factors
Features and outcomes of unplanned hospital admissions of older people due to ill-defined (R-coded) conditions: retrospective analysis of hospital admissions data in England
An intervention to improve care and reduce costs for high-risk patients with frequent hospital admissions: a pilot study
Do general practitioners and psychiatrists agree about defining cure from depression? The DEsCRIBE(TM) survey
Heterosexual anal intercourse and HIV infection risks in the context of alcohol serving venues, Cape Town, South Africa
Electronic and paper versions of a faces pain intensity scale:concordance and preference in hospitalized children
Can we use medical examiners’ records for suicide surveillance and prevention research in Nova Scotia?
A study of a culturally focused psychiatric consultation service for Asian American and Latino American primary care patients with depression
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as a Screening Instrument for Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Application of UK Scoring Algorithms
Higher levels of psychiatric symptomatology reported by health professionals working in medical settings in Greece
Problematic Internet use in Chinese adolescents and its relation to psychosomatic symptoms and life satisfaction
Does socioeconomic status affect the association of social relationships and health? A moderator analysis
The prevalence of chronic pain and pain-related interference in the Canadian population from 1994 to 2008
Economic hardships in adulthood and mental health in Sweden. The Swedish National Public Health Survey 2009.
Trajectories of Growth and Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: A longitudinal study
Differences in demographic composition and in work, social, and functional limitations among the populations with unipolar depression and bipolar disorder: Results from a nationally representative sample
Protocol for implementation of family health history collection and decision support into primary care using a computerized family health history system
Pilot evaluation of the psychometric properties of a self-medication Risk Assessment Tool among elderly patients in a community setting
A randomised evaluation of CollAborative care and active surveillance for Screen-Positive EldeRs with sub-threshold depression (CASPER): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Time trends in leisure time physical activity and physical fitness in elderly people: 20 year follow-up of the spanish population national health survey (1987-2006)
Sub-threshold depression and antidepressants use in a community sample: searching anxiety and finding bipolar disorder
Screen-based sedentary behaviours among a nationally representative sample of youth: are Canadian kids couch potatoes?
Strengthening organizational performance through accreditation research – a framework for twelve interrelated studies: the ACCREDIT project study protocol
Is there a danger for myopia in anti-doping education? Comparative analysis of substance use and misuse in Olympic racket sports calls for a broader approach
Health worker motivation in the context of HIV care and treatment challenges in Mbeya Region, Tanzania: a qualitative study.
Benefits and problems of electronic information exchange as perceived by health care professionals: an interview study
Barriers to adherence in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis: a questionnaire study in young patients and their parents
Assessing cognitive insight in nonpsychiatric individuals and outpatients with schizophrenia in Taiwan: An investigation using the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale