Social Support Needs For Equity In Health And Social Care: A Thematic Analysis Of Experiences Of People With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Age, puberty, body dissatisfaction, and physical activity decline in adolescents. Results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey (KiGGS)
A survey of smoking prevalence and interest in quitting among social and community service organisation clients in Australia: a unique opportunity for reaching the disadvantaged
Willingness to participate in a lifestyle intervention program of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a conjoint analysis
How Far Do You Have to Go to Get a Cheeseburger Around Here? The Realities of an Environmental Design Approach to Curbing the Consumption of Fast-Food
Changes in the socio-demographic patterning of late adolescent health risk behaviours during the 1990s: analysis of two West of Scotland cohort studies
Discrepancies between survey and administrative data on the use of mental health services in the general population: findings from a study conducted in Quebec
Evaluating the effectiveness of a schools-based programme to promote exercise self-efficacy in children and young people with risk factors for obesity: Steps to active kids (STAK)
Disparities in the frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption by socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics in Canada
Meeting the home-care needs of disabled older persons living in the community: does integrated services delivery make a difference?
The increasing chronicity of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: Re-thinking "HIV as a long-wave event" in the era of widespread access to ART
Cognitive effects of calligraphy therapy for older people: a randomized controlled trial in Hong Kong
Older adults who persistently present to the emergency department with severe, non-severe, and indeterminate episode patterns
Study protocol of KLIMOP: a cohort study on the wellbeing of older cancer patients in Belgium and the Netherlands
Minimally Important Difference of the Treatment Satisfaction with Medicines Questionnaire (SATMED-Q).
From papers to practices: District level priority setting processes and criteria for family planning, maternal, newborn and child health interventions in Tanzania
Social participation and healthy ageing: a neglected, significant protective factor for chronic non communicable conditions
Adjunctive long-acting risperidone in patients with bipolar disorder who relapse frequently and have active mood symptoms
Individual, family and offence characteristics of high risk childhood offenders: Comparing non-offending, one-time offending and re-offending Dutch-Moroccan migrant children in the Netherlands
Compulsory Drug Detention Center Experiences among a Community-Based Sample of Injection Drug Users in Bangkok, Thailand
Predicting complete loss to follow-up after a health-education program: number of absences and face-to-face contact with a researcher
Using formative research to develop CHANGE!: a curriculum-based physical activity promoting intervention
Addressing risk factors for child abuse among high risk pregnant women: design of a Randomised Controlled Trial of the Nurse Family Partnership in Dutch preventive health care
A qualitative exploration of the human resource policy implications of voluntary counselling and testing scale-up in Kenya: applying a model for policy analysis
Social health assistance schemes: the case of Medical Financial Assistance for the rural poor in four counties of China
Effectiveness of Technology-Assisted Case Management in Low Income Adults with Type 2 Diabetes (TACM-DM): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Dietary weight loss and exercise interventions effects on quality of life in overweight/obese postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial
Getting out and about in older adults: the nature of daily trips and their association with objectively assessed physical activity
Vulnerability to High Risk Sexual Behaviour (HRSB) Following Exposure to War Trauma as Seen in Post-Conflict Communities in Eastern Uganda: A Qualitative Study
Social facilitation in virtual reality-enhanced exercise: competitiveness moderates exercise effort of older adults
Obedience and motivation as mechanisms for adherence to medication: a study in obese type 2 diabetic patients
Sexual and Injection-Related Risks in Puerto Rican-Born Injection Drug Users Living in New York City: A Mixed-Methods Analysis
Preventing alcohol misuse in young people aged 9-11 years through promoting family communication: an exploratory evaluation of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) Programme
High rates of adherence and treatment success in a public and public-private HIV clinic in India: potential benefits of standardized national care delivery systems
Incidences of obesity and extreme obesity among US adults: findings from the 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System