Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing in improving lipid level in patients with dyslipidemia assisted by general practitioners: Dislip-EM study protocol
Male gender predicts mortality in a large cohort of patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Uganda
Does quality of care for hypertension in primary care vary with postcode area deprivation? An observational study.
Quality of life of patients after retropubic prostatectomy – Pre- and postoperative scores of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-PR25
Stress management interventions for HIV-infected individuals: review of recent intervention approaches and directions for future research
Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Sample of Egyptian and Saudi Patients: Transcultural cross sectional study
The efficacy of a brief intervention in reducing hazardous drinking in working age men in Russia: the HIM (Health for Izhevsk men) individually randomised parallel group exploratory trial
Leadership and International Community Collaborations to Impact Education and Human Trafficking Prevention
Building the capacity of family day care educators to promote children’s social and emotional wellbeing: an exploratory cluster randomised controlled trial
Avoiding the ‘twilight zone’: Recommendations for the transition of services from adolescence to adulthood for young people with ADHD.
The Incidence of Experimental Smoking in School Children: An 8-Year Follow-Up of the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) Study
Psychosocial stressors and depression at a Swedish primary health care centre: a gender perspective study
International Perspectives on Work-Family Policies: Lessons from the World’s Most Competitive Economies
Effects of a physical education intervention on cognitive function in young children: randomized controlled pilot study.
Understanding adolescent and young adult use of family physician services: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey
Experiences of Female Survivors of Sexual Violence in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: A mixed-methods study
Is it recorded in the notes? Documentation of end-of-life care and preferred place to die discussions in the final weeks of life.
Early identification of and proactive palliative care for patients in general practice, incentive and methods of a randomized controlled trial
The False Dichotomy of Morality and Self-Interest as Determinants of Action: Facilitating Intervention against Genocide
Who wants a slimmer body? The relationship between body weight status, education level and body shape dissatisfaction among young adults in Hong Kong
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia, and metabolic changes after 3 months of treatment with antipsychotics – results from a German observational study
Cognitive reserve masks neurobehavioral expression of human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurological disorder in older patients
The Positive Mental Health Instrument: Development and validation of a culturally relevant scale in a multi-ethnic Asian population
Efficacy of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder previously treated with methylphenidate: a post hoc analysis
Talking With Our Son: Helping An Autistic Child Navigate The World Of Neurologically Typical Communication
Cross-Sectional Analysis of Levels and Patterns of Objectively Measured Sedentary Time in Adolescent Females
General practitioners’ views and experiences of counselling for physical activity through the New Zealand Green Prescription program
Do diabetes and depressed mood affect associations between obesity and quality of life in postmenopause? Results of the KORA-F3 Augsburg population study