Selecting cases for in-depth study from a survey dataset: an application of Ragin’s configurational methods
A one year study of Mode Deactivation Therapy: Adolescent Residential Patients with Conduct and Personality Disorder
New developments in brief interventions to treat problem drinking in nonspecialty health care settings
Data for Improvement and Clinical Excellence: Protocol for an audit with feedback intervention in home care and supportive living
Social Network Analysis and Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Their mutual benefit for the explanation of policy network structures
Challenges faced by elderly guardians in sustaining the adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children in Zimbabwe
Hand washing with soap and water together with behavioural recommendations prevents infections in common work environment: an open cluster-randomized trial
Socioeconomic disparities in the uptake of breast and cervical cancer screening in Italy: a cross sectional study.
Turkish adaptation, validity, and reliability of The Domestic Violence Coping Self-Efficacy (DV-CSE) measure
Involving patients in HTA activities at local level: A study protocol based on the collaboration between researchers and knowledge users
A community-integrated home based depression intervention for older African Americans: descripton of the Beat the Blues randomized trial and intervention costs
Political and social determinants of life expectancy in less developed countries: a longitudinal study
Does money really matter? Estimating impacts of family income on young children’s achievement with data from random-assignment experiments
Toward a Comprehensive Functional Analysis of Depressive Behavior: Five Environmental Factors and a Possible Sixth and Seventh
Are marginalized women being left behind? A population-based study of institutional deliveries in Karnataka, India
Comparative profiles of men and women with opioid dependence: results from a national multisite effectiveness trial
A literature review to explore the link between treatment satisfaction and adherence, compliance, and persistence
Effect of genetic testing for risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus on health behaviors and outcomes: Study rationale, development, and design
Involvement of consumers in studies run by the Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit: Results of a survey
Characterization of the psychological, physiological and EEG profile of acute betel quid intoxication in naïve subjects
The study protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of family-mediated personalised activities for nursing home residents with dementia
Acute effects of alcohol on feedback processing and outcome evaluation during risky decision-making: an ERP study
Oral health related quality of life in pregnant and post partum women in two social network domains; predominantly home-based and work-based networks.
Identification of older patients at risk of unplanned readmission after discharge from the emergency department
Psychobiography as a method. The revival of studying lives: New perspectives in personality and creativity research
The social production of substance abuse and HIV/HCV risk: an exploratory study of opioid-using immigrants from the former Soviet Union living in New York City
Exploring factors relevant in the assessment of the return-to-work process of employees on long-term sickness absence due to a depressive disorder: a focus group study