Provider and clinic-level correlates of deferring antiretroviral therapy for people who inject drugs: a survey of North American HIV providers
Interventions in Small Food Stores to Change the Food Environment, Improve Diet, and Reduce Risk of Chronic Disease
Do Vouchers Help Low-Income Households Live in Safer Neighborhoods? Evidence on the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Is the health of people living in rural areas different from those in cities? Evidence from routine data linked with the Scottish Health Survey
The mediating role of psychological capital on the association between occupational stress and depressive symptoms among Chinese physicians: a cross-sectional study
Gender differences in the association between self-rated health and hypertension in a Korean adult population
Care seeking behaviour and barriers to accessing services for sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Laos: a cross-sectional study
Assertive Community Treatment for alcohol dependence (ACTAD): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
HIV prevalence among high school learners – Opportunities for schools-based HIV testing programmes and sexual reproductive health services
The development of a lay health worker delivered collaborative community based intervention for people with schizophrenia in India
Reducing widespread pipe sharing and risky sex among crystal methamphetamine smokers in Toronto: do safer smoking kits have a potential role to play?
Study protocol for the recruitment of female sex workers and their non-commercial partners into couple-based HIV research
Perceptions of work-family balance: How effective are family-friendly policies? (Australian Journal of Labour Economics v. 14 no. 2 2011)
Predicting nicotine dependence profiles among adolescent smokers: the roles of personal and social-environmental factors in a longitudinal framework
Building capacity for evidence informed decision making in public health: a case study of organizational change
HealthWorks: results of a multi-component group-randomized worksite environmental intervention trial for weight gain prevention
Screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems in Dr George Mukhari Hospital out-patients in Gauteng, South Africa: a single-blinded randomized controlled trial protocol
The development of health literacy in patients with a long-term health condition: the health literacy pathway model
Examining the gender, ethnicity, and age dimensions of the healthy immigrant effect: Factors in the development of equitable health care policy
Bullying behaviour in schools, socioeconomic position and psychiatric morbidity: a cross-sectional study in late adolescents in Greece
Functional, cognitive and psychological outcomes, and recurrent vascular events in Pakistani stroke survivors: a cross sectional study
Diabetes MILES – Australia (Management and Impact for Long-term Empowerment and Success): methods and sample characteristics of a national survey of the psychological aspects of living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes in Australian adults
General practitioners’ management of mental disorders: A rewarding practice with considerable obstacles
Effect of physical training on urinary incontinence: a randomized parallel group trial in nursing homes
The relationship between breastfeeding and weight status in a national sample of Australian children and adolescents
Factors impacting knowledge and use of long acting and permanent contraceptive methods by postpartum HIV positive and negative women in Cape Town, South Africa: a cross-sectional study
Development and validation of a screening instrument to assess the types and quality of foods served at home meals
Pan-Britain, mixed-methods study of multidisciplinary teams teaching parents to manage children’s long-term kidney conditions at home: Study protocol
Assessing knowledge, attitude, and practice of emergency contraception: a cross- sectional study among Ethiopian undergraduate female students
Drug Education in Victorian Schools (DEVS): the study protocol for a harm reduction focused school drug education trial
Reliability and validity of the KIDSCREEN-52 health-related quality of life questionnaire in a Greek adolescent population
Persistent socioeconomic inequalities in cardiovascular risk factors in England over 1994-2008: A time-trend analysis of repeated cross-sectional data