From “best practice” to “next practice”: the effectiveness of school-based health promotion in improving healthy eating and physical activity and preventing childhood obesity
Knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency contraceptive among women who seek abortion care at Jimma University specialized hospital, southwest Ethiopia
Medical advice and diabetes self-management reported by Mexican-American, Black- and White-non-Hispanic adults across the United States
Mapping the coverage of attributes in validated instruments that evaluate primary healthcare from the patient perspective
HIV testing and willingness to get HIV testing at a peer-run drop-in centre for people who inject drugs in Bangkok, Thailand
Assessing validity of a short food frequency questionnaire on present dietary intake of elderly Icelanders
Fidelity and moderating factors in complex interventions: A case study of a continuum of care program for frail elderly people in health and social care
The effectiveness of a preferred intensity exercise programme on the mental health outcomes of young people with depression: a sequential mixed methods evaluation
A cross-sectional description of social capital in an international sample of persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH)
Effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) manualized program for clinically anxious children: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Psychiatric disorders and aggression in the printed media: Is there a link? A central European perspective
Course of mental symptoms in patients with stress-related exhaustion: Does sex or age make a difference?
Migrant Workers’ Community in China: Relationships among Social Networks, Life Satisfaction and Political Participation
Atomoxetine treatment for nicotine withdrawal: a pilot double-blind, placebo-controlled, fixed-dose study in adult smokers
Ageing in General Practice (AGP) Trial: A cluster randomised trial to examine the effectiveness of peer education on GP diagnostic assessment and management of dementia.
Knowledge, attitudes and other factors associated with assessment of tobacco smoking among pregnant Aboriginal women by health care providers: a cross-sectional survey
Taking alcohol by deception: an analysis of ethanol concentration of "paraga" an alcoholic herbal mixture in Nigeria
NGO-provided free HIV treatment and services in Burkina Faso: scarcity, therapeutic rationality and unfair process
Integrating evidence into policy and sustainable disability services delivery in western New South Wales, Australia: the ‘wobbly hub and double spokes’ project
Crowdsourced Health Research Studies: An Important Emerging Complement to Clinical Trials in the Public Health Research Ecosystem
Weight status and gender-related differences in motor skills and in child care – based physical activity in young children
Evaluation of a health promotion program in children: Study protocol and design of the cluster-randomized Baden-Wuerttemberg primary school study
Empowering Victims of Family Violence: Could Anti-Discrimination Laws Play a Role by Changing Workplace Attitudes and Practices?
Gender, perceived competence and the enjoyment of physical education in children: a longitudinal examination
The protocol for the Be Our Ally Beat Smoking (BOABS) study, a randomised controlled trial of an intensive smoking cessation intervention in a remote Aboriginal Australian health care setting