Physical activity levels six months after a randomised controlled physical activity intervention for Pakistani immigrant men living in Norway
Assessing measurement invariance of familism and parental respect across race/ethnicity in adolescents
Discrepancies Among Student School Lunch Preferences, Menu Options, and Consumption Patterns in a Low-Income Northern California High-School
Relationships between food consumption and living arrangements among university students in four European countries – A cross-sectional study
Can physicians’ judgments of futility be accepted bypatients? A comparative survey of Japanesephysicians and laypeople
Development and content validity of a patient reported outcomes measure to assess symptoms of major depressive disorder
Effectiveness of a diabetes education and self management programme (DESMOND) for people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus: three year follow-up of a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary care
12-month follow-up of an exploratory ‘briefintervention’ for high-frequency cannabis usersamong Canadian university students
Web-Based, Computer-Tailored, Pedometer-Based Physical Activity Advice: Development, Dissemination Through General Practice, Acceptability, and Preliminary Efficacy in a Randomized Controlled Trial
Developing theory-informed behaviour change interventions to implement evidence into practice: a systematic approach using the Theoretical Domains Framework
How Norwegian casualty clinics handle contacts related to mental illness: A prospective observational study
Folate intake and depressive symptoms in Japanese workers considering SES and job stress factors: J-HOPE study
Treatment received, satisfaction with health care services, and psychiatric symptoms 3 months after hospitalization for self-poisoning
How is an Electronic Screening and Brief Intervention Tool on Alcohol Use Received in a Student Population? A Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation
Linguistic validation of translation of the self-assessment goal achievement (SAGA) questionnaire from English
Policy assessment and policy development for physical activity promotion: results of an exploratory intervention study in 15 European Nations
Trust, confidentiality, and the acceptability ofsharing HIV-related patient data: lessons learnedfrom a mixed methods study about HealthInformation Exchanges
Evaluating the Outcomes of a Peer-Mentoring Program for Students Transitioning to Postsecondary Education
Food intake profiles of children aged 12, 24 and 48 months from the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort: an exploratory analysis using principal components
Effects of Relationship/Marriage Education on Co-parenting and Children’s Social Skills: Examining Rural Minority Parents’ Experiences
French-language version of the World Health Organization quality of life spirituality, religiousness and personal beliefs instrument
Construction of the descriptive system for the assessment of quality of life AQoL-6D utility instrument
Hierarchical cluster analysis of labour market regulations and population health: a taxonomy of low- and middle-income countries
Forced residential mobility and social support: impacts on psychiatric disorders among Somali migrants
Higher Education Tuition and Fees in China:Implications and Impacts on Affordability and Educational Equity
The effect of telephone-based interpersonal psychotherapy for the treatment of postpartum depression: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Parent-Child Communication Related to Sexual Health: The Contextual Experiences of Rural Latino Parents and Youth
Psychometric evaluation of a brief parent- and teacher-rated screen for children at risk of conduct disorder
If you can’t comply with dialysis, how do you expect me to trust you with transplantation? Australian nephrologists’ views on Indigenous Australians’ ‘non-compliance’ and their suitability for kidney transplantation
Preventing mood and anxiety disorders in youth: a multi-centre RCT in the high risk offspring of depressed and anxious patients