Factors associated with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder among US children: Results from a national survey
Health care utilization, somatic and mental health distress, and well-being among widowed and non-widowed female survivors of war
Body weight dissatisfaction by socioeconomic status amongobese, preobese and normal weight women and men: resultsof the cross-sectional KORA Augsburg S4 population survey
Reports of past alcohol and drug use following participation in a motivation enhancing intervention: Implications for clinical assessment and program evaluation
Paternal education status significantly influences infants’ measles vaccination uptake, independent of maternal education status
Community-based post-stroke service provision and challenges: a national survey of managers and inter-disciplinary healthcare staff in Ireland.
HIV/AIDS stigma-associated attitudes in a rural Ethiopian community: characteristics, correlation with HIV knowledge and other factors, and implications for community intervention
“Completely out-at-sea” with “two-gender medicine”: A qualitative analysis of physician-side barriers to providing healthcare for transgender patients
Psychometric properties of the disease-specific health-related quality of life instrument VascuQoL in a Swedish setting.
A teachable moment communication process for smoking cessation talk: description of a group randomized clinician-focused intervention
Rasch analysis of the Mini-Mental Adjustment toCancer Scale (mini-MAC) among a heterogeneoussample of long-term cancer survivors: A crosssectionalstudy
The effects of midwives’ job satisfaction on burnout, intention to quit and turnover: a longitudinal study in Senegal
Implementing the chronic care model for frail older adults in the Netherlands: study protocol of ACT (frail older Adults: Care in Transition)
Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation add-on for the treatment of auditory hallucinations: a double-blind study
The Growth in Social Security Benefits Among the Retirement-Age Population from Increases in the Cap on Covered Earnings
Effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral intervention in patients with medically unexplained symptoms: cluster randomized trial
Violence towards health care workers in a PublicHealth Care Facility in Italy: a repeated crosssectionalstudy
Developing an Inuit-Specific Framework for Culturally Relevant Health Indicators Incorporating Gender-Based Analysis
Role overload, pain and physical dysfunction in earlyrheumatoid or undifferentiated inflammatory arthritisin Canada
The Implications of Marital History Change on Women’s Eligibility for Social Security Wife and Widow Benefits, 1990–2009
Deficiencies in culturally competent asthma care forethnic minority children: a qualitative assessmentamong care providers
Employment Status and Health: Understanding the Health of the Economically Inactive Population in Scotland.
Food Security in a Northern First Nations Community: An Exploratory Study on Food Availability and Accessibility
Development and psychometric properties the Barriers to Access to Care Evaluation scale (BACE) related to people with mental ill health
Implementation of a Mental Health Guideline in a Long-Term Care Home: A Participatory Action Approach
Does treatment adherence correlates with healthrelated quality of life? findings from a crosssectional study
Online Schools and Children With Special Health and Educational Needs: Comparison With Performance in Traditional Schools
Clinical Services Used and Types of Health Information Sought by Low-Income Latino Patients at a Large Urban, Free Clinic
Proactive and integrated primary care for frail older people: Design and methodological challenges of the Utrecht Primary care PROactive Frailty Intervention Trial (U-PROFIT)
Policy Implications for Local Application of the 2009 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, Duval County, Florida
Turning Research into Practice: Key Strategies for Developing a Shared Vision Approach for Health Education Advocacy