Interpreting the concordance statistic of a logisticregression model: Relation to the variance and oddsratio of a continuous explanatory variable
Examining playfulness in adults: Testing its correlates with personality, positive psychological functioning, goal aspirations, and multi-methodically assessed ingenuity
Predictors of drop-out in a multi-centre longitudinal study of participation and quality of life of children with cerebral palsy
Socio-economic determinants for alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking in a Ugandan student population
The relationship between quality of life, health and care transition: an empirical comparison in an older post-acute population
Pediatrician’s perspectives on discharge againstmedical advice (DAMA) among pediatric patients: aqualitative study
Home and community based care program assessment for people living with HIV/AIDS in Arba Minch, Southern Ethiopia
The health and development of children born to older mothers in the United Kingdom: observational study using longitudinal cohort data
Research participants want to feel they are better off than they were before research was introduced to them: Engaging Cameroonian Rural Plantation Populations in HIV Research
Benefits and payments for research participants:Experiences and views from a research centre on theKenyan coast
The epidemiology of pharmacologically treatedattention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) inchildren, adolescents and adults in UK primary care
Horizontal equity and mental health care: a study of priority ratings by clinicians and teams at outpatient clinics
Symptom burden and quality of life among patients receiving second-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: A retrospective review
Local decision makers’ awareness of the social determinants of health in Turkey: a cross-sectional study
Intoxication before last sexual intercourse and HIV risk behavior among men and women in Uganda: Evidence from a nationwide survey
The quality of the evidence base for clinical pathway effectiveness: Room for improvement in the design of evaluation trials
Do adverts increase the probability of finding online cognitive behavioural therapy for depression? Cross-sectional study
Psycho-spatial predictors of alcohol use among motor drivers in Ibadan, Nigeria: Implications for preventing vehicular accidents
How does comorbidity influence healthcare costs? A population-based cross-sectional study of depression, back pain and osteoarthritis
Evaluating workforce developments to support children of mentally ill parents: implementing new interventions in the adult mental healthcare in Northern Norway
Motivational Interviewing for encouraging quit attempts among unmotivated smokers: Study protocol of a randomized, controlled, efficacy trial.
Cost-effectiveness of Identification and Referral to Improve Safety (IRIS), a domestic violence training and support programme for primary care: a modelling study based on a randomised controlled trial
The effectiveness of a web-based brief alcohol intervention in reducing heavy drinking among adolescents aged 15-20 years with a low educational background: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Global perspectives on alcohol research: Facilitating interdisciplinary and international collaborations to address prevailing challenges
Reducing inappropriate, anticholinergic and psychotropic drugs among older residents in assisted living facilities: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Parent-Child interaction therapy for preschool children with disruptive behaviour problems in the Netherlands
Anxiety and depressive disorders are associated with delusional-like experiences: a replication study based on a National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing