Risk factors for criminal recidivism — a prospective follow-up study in prisoners with substance abuse
The study design and methodology for the ARCHER study – adolescent rural cohort study of hormones, health, education, environments and relationships
Using Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) to Re-examine Traditionally Analyzed Data: Expanding our Understanding of the Data and of Ourselves as Scholars
It’s not about money, it’s about my health: Determinants of participation and adherence among women in an HIV-HSV2 prevention trial in Johannesburg, South Africa
Study protocol for the 10 Top Tips (10TT) Trial: Randomised controlled trial of habit-based advice for weight control in general practice
A qualitative investigation into key cultural factors that support abstinence or responsible drinking amongst some Pacific youth living in New Zealand
Establishing and sustaining research partnerships in Africa: a case study of the UK-Africa Academic Partnership on Chronic Disease
Expanding Our Community: Independent and Interdependent Factors Impacting Refugee Successful Community Resettlement
Is intensive counseling in maternity care feasible and effective in promoting physical activity among women at risk for gestational diabetes? secondary analysis of a cluster randomized NELLI study in Finland
Identifying Gaps in Asthma Education, Health Promotion, and Social Support for Mi’kmaq Families in Unama’ki (Cape Breton), Nova Scotia, Canada
Emotional abuse towards children by schoolteachers in Aden Governorate, Yemen: A cross-sectional study
Income-related inequality in health insurance coverage: analysis of China Health and Nutrition Survey of 2006 and 2009
Medication documentation in a primary care network serving North Carolina medicaid patients: results of a cross-sectional chart review
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Developing Innovative Teaching Strategies For Responding to Global Disaster Disasters
Implementation of a publication strategy in the context of reporting biases. A case study based on new documents from Neurontin® litigation
Training for my Life: Lived Experiences of Dislocated Workers in an Advanced Manufacturing Training Program
Effect of assertive outreach after suicide attempt in the AID (assertive intervention for deliberate self harm) trial: randomised controlled trial
Protocol Evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based group programme for parents of children at risk of ADHD: the ‘PArents, Teachers and CHildren WORKing Together (PATCHWORK)’ cluster RCT protocol
Relative deprivation and mortality — a longitudinal study in a Swedish population of 4,7 million, 1990–2006
Belief system, meaningfulness, and psychopathology associated with suicidality among Chinese college students: a cross-sectional survey
Improving access to psychosocial interventions for common mental health problems in the United Kingdom: narrative review and development of a conceptual model for complex interventions
Do cultural and linguistic competence matter in Latinos’ completion of mandated substance abuse treatment?
Quality of life themes in Canadian adults and street youth who are homeless or hard-to-house: A multi-site focus group study
Impact of behavioural risk factors on death within 10 years for women and men in their 70s: absolute risk charts
Underlying Motives, Moral Agendas and Unlikely Partnerships: The Formulation of the U.S. Trafficking in Victims Protection Act Through the Data and Voices of Key Policy Players
Dating violence victimization across the teen years: Abuse frequency, number of abusive partners, and age at first occurrence
Assessment of the Utilization of HIV Interventions by Sex Workers in Selected Brothels in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Study
Development of a predictive model to identify inpatients at risk of re-admission within 30 days of discharge (PARR-30)
Diabetes mellitus and comorbid depression: Improvement of both diseases with milnacipran. A replication study
Older adults’ home- and community-based careud services use and residential transitions: a longitudinal study
Nutritional status and risk factors of overweight and obesity for children aged 9-15 years in Chengdu, Southwest China