Barriers and opportunities for evidence-based health service planning: the example of developing a Decision Analytic Model to plan services for sexually transmitted infections in the UK
The healthy options for nutrition environments in schools (Healthy ONES) group randomized trial: using implementation models to change nutritionpolicy and environments in low income schools
Socio-demographic characteristics of women sustaining injuries during pregnancy: a study from the Danish National Birth Cohort
The Dutch Healthy Diet index (DHD-index): an instrument to measure adherence to the Dutch Guidelines for a Healthy Diet
Assessment of identity development and identity diffusion in adolescence – Theoretical basis and psychometric properties of the self-report questionnaire AIDA
Understanding integrated care pathways in palliative care using realist evaluation: a mixed methods study protocol
Prevalence of mental disorders, psychosocial distress and need for psychosocial support in cancer patients: study protocol of an epidemiological multi-center study
Identifying the sociodemographic determinants of subjective health complaints in a cross-sectional study of Greek adolescents
Life and living in advanced age: A cohort study inNew Zealand -Te Puawaitanga o Nga Tapuwae KiaOra Tonu, LiLACS NZ: Study protocol
Comparison of health-related quality of life among patients using atypical antipsychotics for treatment of depression: results from the National Health and Wellness Survey
Understanding factors influencing vulnerable older people keeping warm and well in winter: a qualitative study using social marketing techniques
A community mobilisation intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV/AIDS risk in Kampala, Uganda (the SASA! Study): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Intervention description is not enough: evidence from an in-depth multiple case study on the untold role and impact of context in randomised controlled trials of seven complex interventions
Mass social contact interventions and their effect on mental health related stigma and intended discrimination
Quality of life among tuberculosis (TB), TB retreatment and/or TB-HIV co-infected primary public health care patients in three districts in South Africa
Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) in practice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Lost productivity due to premature mortality indeveloped and emerging countries: an application tosmoking cessation
Functional level at admission is a predictor of survival in older patients admitted to an acute geriatric unit
Chronic disease management: a qualitative studyinvestigating the barriers, facilitators and incentivesperceived by Swiss healthcare stakeholders
Clinicians’ and patients’ views of metrics of change derived from patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for comparing providers’ performance of surgery
Tracking the impact of research on policy and practice: investigating the feasibility of using citations in clinical guidelines for research evaluation
Study protocol: a cross-sectional survey of seasonal affective disorder in Danish populations with and without severe visual impairments
Comparison of Examination-Based and Self-Reported Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease, Washington State, 2006–2007
Understanding the performance and impact of publicknowledge translation funding interventions: Protocolfor an evaluation of Canadian institutes of healthresearch knowledge translation funding programs
Breaking the ice: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial of an internet-based intervention addressing amphetamine-type stimulant use
Excess costs of dementia disorders and the role of age and gender an analysis of German health and long-term care insurance claims data
The prevalence and characteristics of suicidality in HIV/AIDS as seen in an African population in Entebbe district, Uganda