Does neighbourhood social capital aid in levelling the social gradient in the health and well-being of children and adolescents? A literature review
Understanding the impacts of medical tourism on health human resources in Barbados: a prospective, qualitative study of stakeholder perceptions
Misleading Health-Related Information Promoted Through Video-Based Social Media: Anorexia on YouTube Thumbnail
Knowledge, perception about antiretroviral therapy (ART) and prevention of mother-to-child-transmission (PMTCT) and adherence to ART among HIV positive women in the Ashanti Region, Ghana: a cross-sectional study
Perceptions of government knowledge and control over contributions of aid organizations and INGOs to health in Nepal: a qualitative study
Analysis of prevalence of PTSD and its influencing factors among college students after the wenchuan earthquake
BMI and psychological distress in 68, 000 Swedish adults. A weak association when controlling for an age-gender combination
Perspectives and concerns of clients at primary health care facilities involved in evaluation of a national mental health training programme for primary care in Kenya
Experiences of health care providers with integrated HIV and reproductive health services in Kenya: a qualitative study
Joint predictability of health related quality of life and leisure time physical activity on mortality risk in people with diabetes
A cluster randomised trial of a school-based intervention to prevent decline in adolescent physical activity levels: study protocol for the ‘Physical Activity 4 Everyone’ trial
Dietary pattern and leisure time activity of overweight and normal weight children in Germany: sex-specific differences
Blood pressure control and treatment adherence in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome: protocol of a randomized controlled study based on home blood pressure telemonitoring vs. conventional management and assessment of psychological determinants of adherence (TELEBPMET Study)
Conscious Presence and Self Control as a measure of situational awareness in soldiers: A validation study
Relationship between parent and child pedometer-determined physical activity: a sub-study of the CANPLAY surveillance study
Prolonged sexual abstinence after childbirth: gendered norms and perceived family health risks. Focus group discussions in a Tanzanian suburb
Life Disruptions for Midlife and Older Adults With High Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures [Original Research]
Community-based intervention to improve dietary habits and promote physical activity among older adults: a cluster randomized trial
Younger and older chronic somatoform pain patients in psycho-diagnostics, physician-patient relationship and treatment outcome
Clinicians’ Implicit Ethnic/Racial Bias and Perceptions of Care Among Black and Latino Patients [Original Research]
Prevalence and correlates of dizziness in community-dwelling older people: a cross sectional population based study
Falling through the cracks: a qualitative study of HIV risks among women who use drugs and alcohol in Northeast India
Socioeconomic, cultural and behavioural features of prior and anticipated influenza vaccine uptake in urban and rural Pune district, India: A mixed-methods case study
Clinician Suspicion of an Alcohol Problem: An Observational Study From the AAFP National Research Network [Original Research]
Prescribing ANtiDepressants Appropriately (PANDA): a cluster randomized controlled trial in primary care
Objectively measured sedentary behavior in preschool children: comparison between Montessori and traditional preschools
Parental self-efficacy in childhood overweight: validation of the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist in the Netherlands
Testing a peer support intervention for people with type 2 diabetes: a pilot for a randomised controlled trial
Clustering of energy balance-related behaviors and parental education in European children: the ENERGY-project
How quickly does structural reform pay off? an empirical analysis of the short-term effects of unemployment benefit reform