Clinical and psychosocial context of HIV perinatally infected young mothers in Harare, Zimbabwe: A longitudinal mixed-methods study
Being honest won’t pay. Seven- but not 5-year-olds begin to predict that others will lie for reputational reasons
Effects of using the Step2Bed on bed transfer time, forces, balance and perceived effort in older adults
The relationship between perceived stress and job burnout of police officers during the COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of social support, sleep quality and resilience
Application of GUHA data mining method in cohort data to explore paths associated with premature death: a 29-year follow-up study
Why should we strive to let them thrive? Exploring the links between homecare professionals thriving at work, employee ambidexterity, and innovative behavior
How does digital literacy affect the health status of senior citizens? Micro-level evidence from the CFPS data
Understanding how, for whom and under what circumstances telecare can support independence in community-dwelling older adults: a realist review
Rehabilitative measures as a legal response for adolescents convicted for drug offences: The Swedish system
Using large language models for preprocessing and information extraction from unstructured text: A proof-of-concept application in the social sciences
Implementation challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) in primary care: Perspectives of general practitioners in London UK
Effectiveness of app-based cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia on preventing major depressive disorder in youth with insomnia and subclinical depression: A randomized clinical trial
Longitudinal photovoice examination of employment experiences for women refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo in the United States
Perceptual link between inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) stressors and common mental symptoms in Ethiopian health workers: A qualitative study
The mediating role of core self-evaluation in the association between perceived peer relationship quality and loneliness in university students
When Can We Trust Regression Discontinuity Design Estimates from Close Elections? Evidence from Experimental Benchmarks
Measuring social, economic, policy, and health system determinants of maternal health and survival: An urgent global priority
Changes in life satisfaction over six years in the general population: A longitudinal study with the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)
Coping strategies and changes in type D personality were associated with depressive tendency at 9 months after percutaneous coronary intervention
CrossRef citations to date 26 Altmetric Listen RESEARCH ARTICLES ‘The Green New Deal’ as partisan cue: Evidence from a survey experiment in the rural U.S.
Resilience to food insecurity severity among rural, female-headed agrarian households in selected provinces of South Africa
Drug-Drug interactions prediction calculations between cardiovascular drugs and antidepressants for discovering the potential co-medication risks
Facilitators and Barriers to adherence to antiretroviral therapy among incarcerated people living with HIV in Iran: insights from a qualitative study
Implementation research logic model in the design and execution of eHealth innovations for maternal and newborn healthcare in Ethiopia
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 Years or Older — United States, 2025
Five-Year Outcomes of a School-Based Personality-Focused Prevention Program on Adolescent Substance Use Disorder: A Cluster Randomized Trial
Underlying mechanisms and efficacy of a suicide-focused psychological intervention for psychosis, the Cognitive Approaches to Combatting Suicidality (CARMS): a multicentre, assessor-masked, randomised controlled trial in the UK
Assessing exposure to weight stigma: development and initial validation of the Weight Stigma Exposure Inventory (WeSEI)
Enablers of and barriers to ART adherence among female sex workers in mid-western Uganda: a qualitative study
Maternal mortality estimation methodologies: a scoping review and evaluation of suitability for use in humanitarian settings
Development and Validation of a Tool to Predict Onset of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Dementia
Buprenorphine and postpartum contraception utilization among people with opioid use disorder: a multi-state analysis
Validation of the Perceived hope scale in Arabic-speaking adults living in Gaza in the midst of war, destruction and death
Sexual self-care, quality of sexual life and fertility desire in women attending comprehensive health centers in Urmia, Iran
Substance use recovery needs among college students seeking recovery services: a thematic qualitative analysis