Connections Lab: a case study exploring a web-based innovation designed to advance shared risk and protective factor approaches to preventing injuries and violence
Cross-analyzing addiction specialist and patient opinions and experiences about addictive disorder screening in primary care to identify interaction-related obstacles: a qualitative study
Accessing abortion in a highly restrictive legal regime: characteristics of women and pregnant people in Malta self-managing their abortion through online telemedicine
Adaptation and pre-test of a shortened Stepping Stones and Creating Futures intervention focused on HIV for young men in rural South Africa
Food insecurity and its association with health and well-being in middle-aged and older adults in India
Socioeconomic position and eye health outcomes: identifying inequality in rapid population-based surveys
Effectiveness and safety of blonanserin in young and middle-aged female patients with schizophrenia: data from a post-marketing surveillance
Strategies to recruit rural primary care providers to implement a medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) focused integrated care model
Is urban regeneration associated with antidepressants or sedative medication users: a registry-based natural experiment
Differentiation of self and relationship attachment, quality, and stability: A path analysis of dyadic and longitudinal data from Spanish and U.S. couples
How disability severity is associated with changes in physical activity and inactivity from adolescence to young adulthood
Reduced parenting stress following a prevention program decreases internalizing and externalizing symptoms in the offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
The mediating role of anxiety between negative feelings and depression among students with congenital physical disabilities
Representation of patients with non-English language preferences in motor vehicle collision trauma and emergency medicine research
Improving family functioning and reducing violence in the home in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo: a pilot cluster-randomised controlled trial of Safe at Home
“Of course, you get depression in this situation”: Explanatory Models (EMs) among Afghan refugees in camps in Northern Greece
Coping profiles, depression, and body image anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic: Comparative analysis of females with thyroid diseases and a non-clinical sample
The social media diet: A scoping review to investigate the association between social media, body image and eating disorders amongst young people
How do people who smoke perceive a tobacco retail outlet reduction policy in Aotearoa New Zealand? A qualitative analysis
Access for Cancer Caregivers to Education and Support for Shared Decision Making (ACCESS) intervention: a cluster cross-over randomised clinical trial
A shift in focus: Mothers’ descriptions of sharing a child with a co-parent with unhealthy alcohol use after participating in a support program
Association between increased serum interleukin-8 levels and improved cognition in major depressive patients with SSRIs
Exploring the trajectory and correlates of social isolation for veterans across a 6-month period during COVID-19
Leisure-time physical activity trajectories from adolescence to adulthood in relation to several activity domains: a 27-year longitudinal study
Returning home during the pandemic: a thematic analysis describing experiences of people with substance use disorders released early from New Jersey prisons during COVID-19
Is cyberbullying perpetration associated with anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation among lebanese adolescents? Results from a cross-sectional study
Prevalence and factors associated with self-reported anxiety in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and Spain: A cross-sectional Ibero-American study
A thematic analysis of shared experiences of essential health and support personnel in the COVID-19 pandemic
Mental health, risk perception, and coping strategies among healthcare workers in Egypt during the COVID-19 pandemic
Association between Nocturnal Sleep Duration and Insomnia symptoms with depressive symptoms among 44,900 Chinese Han adults aged 30–79 in Southwest China
An examination of factors contributing to the racial disparity and disproportionality of paediatric firearm-related homicide: a mixed-methods analysis using the national violent death reporting system (NVDRS)
Expanding the pipeline for multipurpose prevention technologies: compounds with potential activity to prevent or treat HIV and other STIs
Intravenous ketamine for severe alcohol use disorder at Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital, Kenya: a case report