Psychedelic medicine and cultural responsiveness: A call for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement in Australian clinical trials and practice
Psychedelic Regulation Beyond the Controlled Substances Act: A Three-Dimensional Framework for Characterizing Policy Options
Perceived neighborhood disorder and achieving HIV viral suppression among adults living with HIV: A cross-sectional study
Conspiracy beliefs and negative attitudes towards outgroups in times of crises: Experimental evidence from Germany
Medical mistrust in racial minorities during the COVID-19 pandemic: Attitudes, actions and mental health outcomes
“Stop, pause and take a break”: a mixed methods study of the longer-term outcomes of digital emotional wellbeing training for perinatal women
Effectiveness of interactive voice response-call for life mHealth tool on adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among young people living with HIV: A randomized trial in Uganda
The impact of video game playing on Chinese adolescents’ academic achievement: Evidence from a moderated multi-mediation model
The feasibility of utilizing the open dynamic interaction network (ODIN) app to assess rEMA data across 30 days among those recovering from alcohol use disorders
Understanding the awarding gap through the lived experiences of minority ethnic students: An intersectional approach
“We have to look deeper into why”: perspectives on problem identification and prioritization of women’s and girls’ health across United Nations agencies
Dynamic influence of mood on subjective cognitive complaints in mild cognitive impairment: A time series network analysis approach
Individual and interpersonal factors influencing child marriage: A qualitative content analysis study
Enhancing the drug addiction treatment service by introducing a new residential treatment model in the Philippines: A qualitative study
The association between arthritis and cognitive function impairment in the older adults: Based on the NHANES 2011–2014
Evaluation of a mobile application to decrease opioid misuse in patients undergoing cesarean section: a randomized controlled trial
The paternal influence on early childhood development in Africa: implications for child and adolescent mental health
Negotiating familial mental illness stigma: The role of family members of persons living with mental illnesses
Altered brain regional homogeneity, depressive symptoms, and cognitive impairments in medication-free female patients with current depressive episodes in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder
Can nudge interventions targeting healthy food purchases in real-world grocery stores reduce diet-related health disparities? A pooled analysis of four controlled trials
Theoretically-informed vs standard cover letter to improve participant response to mailed questionnaire: results of an embedded randomised retention trial
Contradictions and possibilities for change: Exploring stakeholder perspectives of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP) and their connection to a future for global health
‘Sweden has changed me: a qualitative study exploring the sexual health needs and associated mental health aspects of young male former unaccompanied minors, asylum seekers and refugees in Region Stockholm, Sweden
Menstrual hygiene management and menstrual secrecy among young women in rural Lao PDR: A cross-sectional study
Institutions matter: The role of institutions in the relationship between decision-making power and contraceptive autonomy
Feasibility Testing of a Health Literacy Intervention With Adolescents and Young Adults in South Africa: The LifeLab Soweto Programme
Prediction of preterm birth using machine learning: a comprehensive analysis based on large-scale preschool children survey data in Shenzhen of China
Fishing with skis, digging with noodles: Resolving task-and-tool mismatches in efforts to advance health equity
Climate worry: associations with functional impairment, pro-environmental behaviors and perceived need for support
Exploring the self-perceived causes of eating disorders among Chinese social media users with self-reported eating disorders
A large-scale evaluation of therapeutic alliance and symptom trajectories of depression and anxiety in blended care therapy
Association between dyslipidemia and depression: a cross-sectional analysis of NHANES data from 2007 to 2018
Sex trafficking vulnerabilities in context: An analysis of 1,264 case files of adult survivors of commercial sexual exploitation
Scaling up mental health service provision through multisectoral integration: A qualitative analysis of factors shaping delivery and uptake among South Sudanese refugees and healthcare workers in Uganda
Sex differences in loneliness, social isolation, and their impact on psychiatric symptoms and cognitive functioning in schizophrenia
Data sharing and reuse in clinical research: Are we there yet? A cross-sectional study on progress, challenges and opportunities in LMICs
The trajectory of anxiety and depressive symptoms and the impact of self-injury: A longitudinal 12-month cohort study of individuals with psychiatric symptoms
It is a matter of convenience: why welfare technologies have become domesticated in Swedish eldercare