The impact of inflammatory response on psychological status of medical staff during COVID-19 pandemic
Demographic, socioeconomic, and social barriers to use of mobility assistive products: a multistate analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
‘What we heard’: A critical appraisal of the NHMRC’s review of its Indigenous research excellence criteria
The role of family conflict and cohesion in adolescents’ social responsibility: Emotion regulation ability as a mediator
The interplay of fear of pain, emotional states, and pain perception in medical and nursing students: A cross-sectional study
Factors associated with low health-related quality of life in persons with multiple sclerosis: A quantile-based segmentation approach
“The doctors and nurses looked like aliens’: a qualitative study on the subjective hospitalization experiences of severe COVID-19 patients in Slovakia“
Study of predictors of mortality among older residents with pneumonia in Qatar’s long-term care facilities
Synergistic effect of smoking and education on incident dementia among older adults: The Shanghai aging study
Receipt of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Among Rural and Urban Veterans Health Administration Patients
Being a migrant woman during disasters: A phenomenological study to unveil experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Milan, Italy
“Whenever I think about this, I feel like killing myself, because life has no meaning to me anymore”: an exploration of the consequences of rape victimization for men
Does Alcohol and Nicotine Consumption among Athletes influence Attitudes towards Doping? Observational study of Spanish Athletes
The association of combinations of social factors and SARs-CoV-2 infection: A retrospective population-based cohort study in Ontario, 2020–2021
Between worlds: Cis-and trans-identifying diaspora Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) women in Ontario, Canada on the intersections of gender, sexuality and sexual health
Autism Spectrum Social Stories in Schools Trial 2 (ASSSIST-2): a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the Social Stories™ intervention to address the social and emotional health of autistic children in UK primary schools
Cannabis Use and Alcohol-Related Outcomes Among Sober Living House Residents with Alcohol Use Disorders
“Living their best life”: PhotoVoice insights on well-being, inclusion, and access to public spaces among adolescent refugee girls in urban resettlement
Global, regional, and national progress towards the 2030 global nutrition targets and forecasts to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
The effects of message framing on US police chiefs’ support for interventions for opioid use disorder: a randomized survey experiment
“I’ve always felt like I’m on the outside”: identity and social inclusion among young adults with mental illness and complex needs – a qualitative study
Editorial: The usual suspects and beyond – decontextualization as explanation for the suboptimal uptake of parenting interventions
Improving first responders’ perceptions of overdose events and survivors through tailored occupational health-focused training co-facilitated by overdose survivors
Association between childhood adversity and use of the health, social, and justice systems in Denmark (DANLIFE): a nationwide cohort study
The effect of age discrimination on employee silence: The role of age similarity with familiar individuals
Spatial heterogeneity of menstrual discriminatory practices against Nepalese women: A population-based study using the 2022 Demographic and Health Survey
Mental health and social connections in later life: Commentary on “Mental health and social connection among older lesbian and bisexual women” by Martinez et al.
Correlation between fall experience and life functions among community-dwelling older adults in Japan
Psychedelic medicine and cultural responsiveness: A call for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement in Australian clinical trials and practice